
Learn CQB Drills to Shoot Like the Marines

Us Ancient types had a thing called "A" Line that we did after getting qualified.
It consisted of moving targets, limited exposure targets, and unknown distance targets. And it was the same fleetwide, us airwingers ran the same course as the infantry.
It never ceases to amaze me the pride taken in changing things that work, though I can't say that changes to the weapons training is bad, as long as it's changes are good in the grand scheme of things.
Us Ancient types had a thing called "A" Line that we did after getting qualified.
It consisted of moving targets, limited exposure targets, and unknown distance targets. And it was the same fleetwide, us airwingers ran the same course as the infantry.
It never ceases to amaze me the pride taken in changing things that work, though I can't say that changes to the weapons training is bad, as long as it's changes are good in the grand scheme of things.
Combat also worked.