
Let’s see those revolvers.

My two Diamondbacks. Experimenting with grips, here. I like the look of the factory stocks, but not their feel. I like the feel of the black rubber ones, but not their looks. Working on coming up with something that works on both levels.

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I got a similar problem between my two Pythons and my two Troopers. I love the feel/look of the Troopers grips, and hate the Pythons. The Troopers are a Mk3 and a Mk5 and the Pythons are an early gen (about 1982) with factory authorized Pachmeyer grip and the other is a second gen (about 2020-2021) with the factory wood/synthetic Python grips. But alas, neither of the Trooper grips will fit either of the Pythons.
Well, I showed y'all my two favorite revolvers last night ..... my two Pythons. I also have a Mk III Trooper in blue, and a Mk 5 Trooper in stainless. Probably my second favorites.
I'm really confused here ... I posted the above msg #16 in this thread on Jan 15, 2021 with saying I had shown y'all my two favorites "last night", which would have been Jan 14, 2021. But looking back there are no msg's on the 14th, as the next previous msg is shown as being posted on Jan 13, 2021 in msg #6. What gives, where are my two favorite revolvers?

All y'all know how limited my computer skills are ... I can barely even spell 'IBM', so I need some help here. Where did my revolvers go? jj
I got a similar problem between my two Pythons and my two Troopers. I love the feel/look of the Troopers grips, and hate the Pythons. The Troopers are a Mk3 and a Mk5 and the Pythons are an early gen (about 1982) with factory authorized Pachmeyer grip and the other is a second gen (about 2020-2021) with the factory wood/synthetic Python grips. But alas, neither of the Trooper grips will fit either of the Pythons.
I feel your pain. I love the look of the old-school factory grips on my Pythons, but they're too big for my hands. I tried Herret's and Hogues but they don't fix the basic problem which is that the whole gun is too big for my hand (to properly shoot DA). So I just live with the handsome factory walnut. It's an absolute travesty that Colt is putting plywood grips on the new $1600 Pythons. What, sixteen pigs can't buy a couple chunks of walnut? That's sad. Have you tried Hogues on your Python. Didn't work for me, but might for you. If I can find mine, I'll make you a deal on 'em. I don't like anything about them, including the goofy-ass mounting system. :(

You like the feel of your Trooper grips because the whole grip frame is just that much smaller than the Python's. I know this because I have an old-school King Cobra and it fits me much better than my Pythons do.
In addition to the revolvers I’ve already posted in this thread, I’ve since added to the collection. 22lr/22 mag Heritage; Colt 6“ Python; Colt 8” Anaconda; S&W 14” 460 (with S&W 500 posted previously); S&W 610; Taurus 8+” 460 Raging Hunter:
