
List of EV vehicles and tax credits cutting down

the USA, really NEEDS to get back to producing things, rather than out sourcing.
IIRC We as a country under a former administration developed new solar panel technology, then sold it to China for pennies on the dollar that we citizen's paid for with our tax dollars. Now we're buying our technology back from a communist country to put on our buildings.
The current administration has been getting paid large sums of money for what? To sell out to the Chinese, to weaken our country?
Who knows all I know is that a certain group fabricated all kinds of horsehockey on Trump that he was in the pocket of Russia that proved totally untrue. Meanwhile we have the current presidents son who was neck deep in Ukraine and China, seems the have the laptop to prove it and what do you know that evaporated like water on a hot summer pavement.

Can't trust any of them. They're all out to enrich themselves to our detriment.
Can't trust any of them. They're all out to enrich themselves to our detriment.
i know all about "self enrichment" from a politician.

we "HAD" a governor, Gina Raimondo, that was just into her term, after being re-elected.

she was not communicating with the LT. Governor about anything, and this was during the covid...

she ups and takes a job with "sleepy joe", and the LT. Governor is a dolt.....he has at least 2 nicknames..

1) no plan Dan

2) the candyman

the #2 name is due to his just giving out pay raises and bonuses to higher ups, and other state workers...

the #1 name is due to....well......he never has a plan to tackle the state issues........so, he resorts to #2.......
I believe the Adminstration has an Energy Secretary that owns/owned a good chunk of electric vehicle battery stock…coincidently the greenie was pushing electric school buses manufacturing. Sold off the stock eventually after watchdogs discovered the conflict of interest …but just so happened it was only after PotatoHead signed an Executive Order to spend $175 billon on a new fleet of gubmint EV’s.
Oh and San Fran HammerHead managed to buy and then sell some Tesla stock during the same interim.
No crime when they pay themseleves hush-money.
The greenie movement is a sham.
Big money is in promoting the scam.
Though pollution should always be a concern, USA has made tremendous efforts in reducing it. How? By closing up as many factories as possible as well as heavily regulate existing emissions including that in transportation.
Look at the BRICS nation line up. That’s one giant global conglomerate of polluters.

Here in ILLinois, the utilities continue to raise the rates and although rate increases are regulated, they are never challenged or denied. Stock holders always see profit increases as consumers foot these bills, not only that but bill-paying consumers also foot a portion of their bill to pay for deadbeats.

IL as well as other states, collect a portion of gasoline tax for infrastructure use above the general sales tax. I believe IL leads the pack of 49 with the highest gasoline tax surcharges. Here our electric car owners pay a little more for their license plates to offset the gas taxation losses. It was proposed as high as $1000 extra but the lobby complained and now it’s just $100 ($251) more annually than a gas car ($151). So the activism sector still pays less for their share of road use wear and tear.

Yep, in the past 2 years, electricity cost have gone up and coal fired and nuclear generation plants were shuttered with more to closures come. The pols made EV’s attractive with trinkets but some of the greenies are starting to wake up.
Supply and demand. The bureaucrats control both including escalating costs.
It’s no small wonder an IL House speaker was indicted for scheming roles and influence in our electricity provider and how the governor is still shuttering downstate generators in favor of windmills.
Cordova and Byron have been closed?