
Lotto money gun 2


The previous thread made me think of this. If you won that fictional 500 million lotto what gun would you have special made for you. Either something from history, a design from your head or sonething like that. Preferably something actually possible with modern technology, and able to be actually owned and used.

My first thought would be British Bulldog revolver made in modern .357 magnum. There were various manufacturers, any would do. Just always liked the design and always thought of doing a Dr John Watson with one in my jacket pocket lol.
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We had these while in Germany but never saw one in Vietnam. Don't doubt some units still used them. Vaguely remember being told rusting would be a real problem as they were made from stamped metal costing around 17 bucks a piece. M2 rust was pain too.
Typical German weather would rust many things. Had to take care of them diligently. There were zippered covers for our M2s which we used if we were moving from range to range or on maneuvers. This was before MILES gear where the gun had to be exposed to the elements.
Typical German weather would rust many things. Had to take care of them diligently. There were zippered covers for our M2s which we used if we were moving from range to range or on maneuvers. This was before MILES gear where the gun had to be exposed to the elements.
`We had the canvas covers for M2's in Germany. In Vietnam a cut down tripod or a modified bi-pod looking mount was on the top of the TC's cupola. On our M-60 series in Germany the M2 receiver was inside the cupola. You're right really didn't matter much as they rusted so easily. I'm sure we had the M2 canvas covers but just don't remember using them.