
Masks and vaccines

Fully and completely understand that, but I don’t believe there is any science involved in making these
recommendations, if they(government) mandates every body has to get the vaccine, my point is, where does it end? What will they(government) mandate next, and do you actually believe they will stop mandating there agenda? Me and my wife both got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and we will not wear masks again, if asked why, why should we since we are fully vaccinated. To me, now, it’s nothing but political and the current administration does not want to lose any power they have over us. Ok, done ranting and bitching here, good responses from all.
I don’t think anyone on the forum thinks you’re ranting and bitching.
Great thread @Annihilator
I just got my second Pfizer shot. Wasn’t going to but with everything going on.
So, you do realize how science works, right?

They look at the data they have, and make recommendations from it; when the data changes, they update the recommendations--if they are worth anything, that is. They admit their earlier recommendations were (possibly) wrong, and move on.

It's not a one-shot, we've got it all figured out kind of thing--that's religion, and is usually horribly wrong, but can't admit it.
Strange that the numbers show the places with the most problems last year were the places with the most stringent restrictions.

What is the survivability rate of C-19 ? 99 % or thereabout ? I'm not downplaying the effects and I do know one young (38), healthy, not obese person that died from it. My parents are 80-ish. In fact the old man turned 81 today. He breathes through a hole in his neck ( Throat cancer 27 years ago) and my mom has COPD and emphezema. They both got it about 6 months ago. 4-5 days of real tough times and a couple week recovery and they are fine now.

What I'm saying is that the nutbags are swinging from trees on both sides of the fence. I have talked to people who actually believe the Vax alters your DNA. Never took a biology class I suppose. And there is an endless parade of people all too happy to tell you all about how they have been vaccinated and still wear a mask and are happy to do whatever they can to keep people safe and we need a culture of mask wearing and oh my god, the Delta variant, we gotta shut everything down, blah,blah,blah.

St. Louis is in the national news again this week. Yeah, Kim Gardner's prosecutors refused to show up for the trial of a murderer who was subsequently set free, and yeah Mayor Tishaura Jones has defunded the STL police department to the tune of 4 million big ones ( after receiving a half billion dollar shot in the arm from uncle joe), but that's not why they're in the news this week. This week Tish and Sam ( STL County Executive) unilaterally decided ( before any new CDC guidelines) to re-instate a mask mandate. For vaccinated and unvaccinated people alike. Of course they are doing it because they want to keep people safe. It's definitely not because the state of emergency allows Sam and Tish to unilaterally spend their covid millions from uncle Joe with no oversight from the board of alderman or the county council. It's definitely not that. :rolleyes:

Sorry Hans, this rant isn't directed at you buddy or even your post. It was just a convenient vehicle.