
Maturity: Here Are The Ages People Peak at Everything Throughout Life


An interesting article and read about changes of human body throughout life. Am not sure would completely agree with all that's written, but could be taken as a general guide depending on different variables such as diet, environment, overall health and unseen forces such as disaster.

If you're going to stay in the game aging is mandatory, but maturity is certainly optional. Right now my mental age is around a 100, but I have the maturity of a drunken sailor especially when I see a gun I want. Or so my wife used to say. :rolleyes:
Either I peaked before I realized that was what was happening or I’m still waiting.

I never was good at:






Remembering names (Heck, I still have issues with remembering my own name! That’s why I had it embroidered on my work shirts.)

Remembering numbers (However, I CAN remember my phone number from childhood. Later, it took two years for me to memorize my last cell phone number.)

I only achieved relative comfort speaking with strangers and women in my late thirties. Extremely beautiful women still take my breath away and it takes me a few minutes to regain sensibilities and be able to speak like a semi-intelligent human. Funny how that skill came after I really needed it?

Brain processing power…my mind works like a sand filter. The information goes in the top and then takes its time before a well-formed conclusion, based on those facts entering from above, emerges from the bottom. Its always been like that and I’ve learned to deal with it.

Where was all this “peaking” when it would have done me some good?