
Maybe another participation trophy will help


Maybe if we give them another participation trophy this won't hurt thier feelings too bad.

Have seen this coming for a while. We, as a country, are not doing these kids any favors allowing them to not get ready for real life.

I think we have all seen this coming for a while...
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i was able to read it with out a subscription.

that being said, it starts in the home...parents gave them what they wanted, allowed them to do nothing but play on the smartphones, or whatever else.

yes, participation trophy's for just showing up was stupid.

in our day, we had to actually WIN to get a trophy, then maybe a round of applause to the other team for giving it thier best.

i could not be any happier those dolts are getting sacked.

here, many of us retired people cannot get jobs, cuz we are "too old", yet we have the experience. hell, we can be mentors to those dolts and wake them up, or at least give it a try.

oh well, this means more shortages in the labor market, which means more time for us to suffer for either production, warehousing, selling, delivering, set up, etc,etc.
Success·Gen Z

Bosses are firing Gen Z grads just months after hiring them—here’s what they say needs to change​

BYOrianna Rosa Royle
September 26, 2024 at 7:17 AM EDT

Six in 10 employers are already sacking some of the Gen Z workers they hired fresh out of college earlier this year

Six in 10 employers are already sacking some of the Gen Z workers they hired fresh out of college earlier this year
AzByCx—Getty Images

After complaining that Gen Z grads are difficult to work with for the best part of two years, bosses are no longer all talk, no action—now they’re rapidly firing young workers who aren’t up to scratch just months after hiring them.

According to a new report, six in 10 employers say they have already sacked some of the Gen Z workers they hired fresh out of college earlier this year.
Intelligent.com, a platform dedicated to helping young professionals navigate the future of work, surveyed nearly 1,000 U.S. leaders. It found that the class of 2024’s shortcomings will impact future grads.
After experiencing a raft of problems with young new hires, one in six bosses say they’re hesitant to hire college grads again.
Meanwhile, one in seven bosses have admitted that they may avoid hiring them altogether next year.

Three-quarters of the companies surveyed said some or all of their recent graduate hires were unsatisfactory in some way.

Gen Z grads “unprepared and unprofessional”​

So, where is it going wrong for fresh-faced graduates?
Employers’ gripe with young people today is their lack of motivation or initiative—50% of the leaders surveyed cited that as the reason why things didn’t work out with their new hire.
Bosses also pointed to Gen Z being unprofessional, unorganized and having poor communication skills as their top reasons for having to sack grads.
Leaders say they have struggled with the latest generation’s tangible challenges, including being late to work and meetings often, not wearing office-appropriate clothing, and using language appropriate for the workspace.

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Now, more than half of hiring managers have come to the conclusion that college grads are unprepared for the world of work. Meanwhile, over 20% say they can’t handle the workload.
In reality, colleges know that their students are wholly unprepared for the workforce—and some have started stepping up to fill the gap.

For example, Michigan State University is teaching students how to handle a networking conversation, including how to look for signs that the other party is starting to get bored and that it’s time to move on.
Meanwhile, a high school in London is trialing a 12-hour school day to prepare pupils for adult life.

Want to be more hirable? Attitude is everything​

When asked what would make college grads more hirable, bosses responded: A positive attitude and more initiative.

Intelligent’s chief education and career development advisor, Huy Nguyen, advises Gen Z grads to observe how other workers interact to understand the company culture at any new firm they may join. From there, it’s easier to gauge what’s an appropriate way of engaging with others.
“Take the initiative to ask thoughtful questions, seek feedback, and apply it to show your motivation for personal growth,” Nguyen adds. “Build a reputation for dependability by maintaining a positive attitude, meeting deadlines, and volunteering for projects, even those outside your immediate responsibilities,” says Nguyen.”
Amazon CEO Andy Jassy recently echoed that an “embarrassing” amount of your success in your twenties depends on your attitude—and the reason why is simple: Managers would rather work with positive people.
Some leaders have even insisted that a can-do attitude at work will advance young workers’ careers more than a college degree.
Richard Branson, the billionaire founder of Virgin, has repeatedly urged young people to ditch university in favor of the “school of life”.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently claimed that raw talent and personality trump credentials.
To that end, Cisco’s top executive in the U.K., David Meads, dropped out of school at 16 years old. He told Fortune that “attitude and aptitude are more important than whatever letters you have after your name, or whatever qualifications you’ve got on a sheet.”
Years ago when I was real heavily into the martial arts I got certified to be a Judge. I would sit there and watch "students" of all ages and skill levels go and compete. Some were good and really put effort into it and would "earn" their trophy and some I would roll my eyes wondering who their teacher was and how "bad" they were doing and still end up with a trophy. That was it for me I now train and practice on my own. Just my two cents...
Well, having been handed everything for no effort on their part, their expection is that the world “owes” Them. Sorry morons that’s not the way adult life works. In the REAL world you don’t earn it you don’t get it.. The fact that you may want a $200k/yr job and that shiney née Porsche has nothing to do with what you are going to encounter😏. Wonder if these idiots can even learn to ask “you want fries with that”?
We have them in manufacturing too. Unfortunately our employer has become too woke to fire them. They are parts of a team of people who are there to produce a product. They go out of their way to not work (20 minute bathroom breaks, purposely work very slowly so someone has to do the parts they don't "want" to do, etc... Man, if they put in HALF the effort into their work that they use avoiding it, well, you get the picture. It's extremely maddening because we have a hard enough time retaining a workforce, and their shenanigans (which they get away with) makes the rest of us work that much harder. I am the department senior of my department and I went off on my supervisor at the end of the shift on Thursday because our little princess left early AGAIN, and she screwed the pooch most of the day on her Apple Watch in the bathroom. Can you tell I'm pi$$ed? :mad:
We have them in manufacturing too. Unfortunately our employer has become too woke to fire them. They are parts of a team of people who are there to produce a product. They go out of their way to not work (20 minute bathroom breaks, purposely work very slowly so someone has to do the parts they don't "want" to do, etc... Man, if they put in HALF the effort into their work that they use avoiding it, well, you get the picture. It's extremely maddening because we have a hard enough time retaining a workforce, and their shenanigans (which they get away with) makes the rest of us work that much harder. I am the department senior of my department and I went off on my supervisor at the end of the shift on Thursday because our little princess left early AGAIN, and she screwed the pooch most of the day on her Apple Watch in the bathroom. Can you tell I'm pi$$ed? :mad:
That would pi$$ me off too.
I hope this may be a silver lining for you as much as it is to me. Just look forward to the day that when one of those lil ingrates complains , you can say with a grin on your face, “Sucks to be you.”
That would pi$$ me off too.
I hope this may be a silver lining for you as much as it is to me. Just look forward to the day that when one of those lil ingrates complains , you can say with a grin on your face, “Sucks to be you.”
In a few months I won't have to deal with it at all. I am a true believer in "what goes around comes around" and "you reap what you sow". It will bite them in the *** eventually. Lady Karma will see to that. :)
I feeel your pain! Bill
In my career I Worked in the paper manufacturing industry for 40 years!
Earned my spurs in my first two mills as a blue collar production guy operating the biggest/ widest and fastest machines in this country!
Got (wise) Ha! and put on the White hat in a move to the third international company!

Everything was great till the cell phone became part of everyone’s lives!
After that little milestone! watch out! All downhill!
The available, to hire: workforce; changed from young, vibrant, mentally healthy, go get em and hungry for work and promotion individuals, to a group of kids who could only use their thumbs on a keypad 🔢! Never looked up, and had 0 Manuel dexterity and work skills!
Most couldn’t pour p out of a boot with instructions on the heel! Or cared where it went! If they got lucky!
Sad situation!
This, along with the influx of Profit over people CEO and Mill manager types, who were experts in corporate takeovers, ended my patience with the stupidity, of what the industry had evolved into!
So at 59, I said time for me to go! Hung up my spurs!
Riding a different Horse now!
Called No Worries!
so yes, I agree that the (a Trophy for everyone) Woke generation is running out of options and opportunities!
The greatest Generation, bless their souls! and Boomers like me are aghast!
What next?
Higher-ups in my former agency dumped a bunch of Gen Zrs on field units unannounced.

The Gen Zrs barely met the quals for hiring in the various series with no specialized education that the series required.

Most had a bad attitude & crappy work ethic and the long-term experienced employees ended up having to redo the new hires work, which hurt the feelings of the new hires.

Most didn't like the work locations and conditions and many resigned.

Kudos to the poor performance of the educational system and parenting, and crappy attitude towards work by some in society.

All this doesn't bode well for the future.

My .02
Well the world is changing and what we knew about workforce and work ethics is turning into something else. For one thing in your grandchildren's lifetime most of what we call "The trades" will be south Americans. I have watched over the past 25 years as one by one what used to be skilled trades have become menial labor thanks to greedy pieces of crap hiring immigrants, paying them substandard wages and not passing their increased profit margins on to customers in the way of cheaper prices.

Lawncare/landscaping went first because, you know, "jobs Americans don't want to do." Then roofing, then carpetlayers, siding and now underground construction and above ground construction. I've seen at least 4 framing crews working this last month and they all looked the same as it looks when you see a roof being done. 15 south Americans on sketchy equipment crawling all over the house like ants. I used to be a union carpenter and I was contractor for 25 years. It took me 4 years to become a Journeyman and there is no point in anyone doing that today. For a long time I was THE guy for high end exterior remodeling. Number one crew for the number one siding and window company in the state. And I was a subcontractor. Their only subcontractor. When they forced all subs to go company I refused and told them "See ya later". They made an exception for me. I made almost twice what anyone else made for siding and window jobs. And I'll still put my work against anyone's. A guy who used to work for me now works for a large roofing and siding company. His whole job is going around to all the jobs the Guatamalans do and working up punch lists and fixing their mistakes. And before anyone gets indignant, I don't blame the S. Americans, I blame the greedy white and Chinese people who are exploiting them. The fact is a crap economy only makes worse the problem of people accepting sub par work as long as it's cheaper. And that only goes on for so long until ALL that work is done by, eh, unqualified people and then it isn't even price gouging anymore. They charge the same as anyone else. It's unreal.

Almost no manufacturing is done here anymore for the same reason. Cheap labor. And here's a kick. My wife went to school for 4 years to become a CPA. Had to sit for 6 very difficult tests, which 80% of people fail the first time ( she passed all 6, first time with very high marks). Shortly after, YOUR government changed some laws which allowed people who were accountants in other countries, chiefly India, to do work in the US, via the internet. Those people don't have anywhere near the qualifications or requirements of CPAs in the US. It's only a matter of time before you can cross CPA off the list of careers your children and grandchildren can pursue.

And to circle back to the original topic ( sorry for the siderail and the KJP nomenclature) the job I have now is semi-insulated since I work for a utility. But they brought in contractors who took 3/4 of our work and every day our job gets stupider and stupider and every contract it gets worse and worse. I hope I can ride out another 10 years. All our middle management are now 20 something, degreed "Geniuses" who's primary job it seems is to put apps on our phones and endlessly change computer programs we have to navigate to do our jobs. I spend a quarter of my day on a computer now and my actual job is service and installation of gas mains and service lines. Currently they are sending most of my yard to do work way up north every day. And by "They" I mean a new department called "Workload planning", staffed by idiots and people who were lazy pieces of crap when they were contract employees. These jobs are over an hour away and keep in mind we have yards less than 15 minutes away from these jobs. Meanwhile people from yards in midtown and south STL are doing jobs down here. And yet at least once a week company wide emails go out telling us not to "Idle" our trucks because we need to cut fuel costs. If it was a regular, legitimate construction company we would all be fired and they would be bankrupt. Since it is a public utility though, it is guaranteed money. And half the work we do is what they call "Capital" work. Meaning it is ISRIS recoverable. That is the feds reimburse them for a large part of it.
Eh, as long as the board and stockholders are happy, eh ?

Nothing about my job excites or fulfills me. I used to be proud of what I did. Now I'm doing time. Then I'll die.
Nothing about my job excites or fulfills me. I used to be proud of what I did. Now I'm doing time. Then I'll die.
Bob, same thing (nearly) about my former job as a truck driver..

college edumacated maroons, that don't even know what a truck looks like, keeping me sitting for a trailer load going back my way, and they send in another driver, from like 200 miles away, to take that load, back to my place.

or telling me when i should stop to take my break, or beddown for the night.

then the never ending maroons that come out of CDL school that do not know how to read a map, and plan a trip, and get to the other side of the country, cuz thier GPS tells them to take a mountain (like the Dragon) in TN......and get into a ditch, or roll over..

the "no brains" in either management and drivers, was and still is a HUGE embarrassment to the trucking industry, where at one time, a driver had to have at least 5 years experience to get a job, or 10 years minimum to drive gasoline tankers...

the dangerous truckers out on the roads today, should make everyone stay off the roads, yet trucking companies continue to hire such office workers and drivers, all for the bottom line of profits....

one company exec once said, "it's cheaper to pay insurance claims, then pay high salaries"

by the way, that was Ford's (basic speech) about the Ford Pinto rear end/explosion deaths, before a $2.00 parts fix, of a piece of plastic, to cover the rear axle carrier.

Ford engineers considered numerous solutions to the fuel tank problem, including lining the fuel tank with a nylon bladder at a cost of $5.25 to $8.00 per vehicle, adding structural protection in the rear of the car at a cost of $4.20 per vehicle, and placing a plastic baffle between the fuel tank and the differential housing at a cost of $1.00 per vehicle. None of these protective devices was used.

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I agree! It’s all downhill!
The utilities are sucking up our tax dollars from the Gov!
Our money!
Quality and pride in workmanship? That is just a memory! In most all the Trades!

I live own a home here inTexas in a 2001 build start, subdivision! 660 homes.
Since working for my Grandfather who was a contract home builder in the 60’s, in Arkansas,I know quality in home construction!
Well sir it ain’t in these 660 thrown together shacks!
Yea they look good from a distance; brick veneer, nice hardy siding etc, but if you slam the door that goes from a hall to the garage or the front door, the whole house vibrates!
The roof framing is all undersized, and the bracing is all at wrong angles and loose!
Walk on the roof and it squeaks like a loose stair!
Slab cracks and endless retape and paint over those glorious and cracking raised ceiling seams, from a hurried build on a too shallow and uncured slab!
Looked at maybe 25 homes in the area, before finally buying one. All the new stuff is the same!
Cheaply built as possible, materials to the labour who constructed them!
We Got a bargain on an ugly one and did a remodel to fix the stupid! Back in 2011!
The older I get the happier I am to be a boomer! I don’t have to put up with the idiots at work that you fellas do! ! and the wife and kids have growing up happy memories from the 70’s to the 90’s of sanity and peace in a well built home, in America 🇺🇸
I agree! It’s all downhill!
The utilities are sucking up our tax dollars from the Gov!
Our money!
Quality and pride in workmanship? That is just a memory! In most all the Trades!

I live own a home here inTexas in a 2001 build start, subdivision! 660 homes.
Since working for my Grandfather who was a contract home builder in the 60’s, in Arkansas,I know quality in home construction!
Well sir it ain’t in these 660 thrown together shacks!
Yea they look good from a distance; brick veneer, nice hardy siding etc, but if you slam the door that goes from a hall to the garage or the front door, the whole house vibrates!
The roof framing is all undersized, and the bracing is all at wrong angles and loose!
Walk on the roof and it squeaks like a loose stair!
Slab cracks and endless retape and paint over those glorious and cracking raised ceiling seams, from a hurried build on a too shallow and uncured slab!
Looked at maybe 25 homes in the area, before finally buying one. All the new stuff is the same!
Cheaply built as possible, materials to the labour who constructed them!
We Got a bargain on an ugly one and did a remodel to fix the stupid! Back in 2011!
The older I get the happier I am to be a boomer! I don’t have to put up with the idiots at work that you fellas do! ! and the wife and kids have growing up happy memories from the 70’s to the 90’s of sanity and peace in a well built home, in America 🇺🇸
The lobbying groups for homebuilders successfully got "Balloon framing" written into codes back in the 80s. It's been downhill ever since. I've been in many new subdivisions as they are being built in the course of my job and I can't recall seeing a proper header employed in any of them.

Money= God