
Maybe it's their hats ?

i figure there are maybe good fbi agents somewhere...we are just not exposed to them via media and the agencies OWN actions. heck ATF leader cant even decide what a pistol brace does or does not, yet makes a rule base don ignorance and his own anti firearm agenda
page and strozk were perfect examples of agents doing what ever they wanted because leadership is corrupt, which breeds corruption down the chain to the lowest agent eventually
lets toss in the corrupt military guys that worked in white house listening to every phone call and then figured HEY lets screw over a president because this service member was on the opposite side of reality.

presidents..no matter which side...should FIRE, move, transfer any and all employees, etc workign in whitehouse when they move in on first day.

i distrust our government to no end, i worked for the machine far to long to believe there are many real true Americans left that actually believe in country first and politics fiftieth , in the leadership . there are great people at the rubber to road offices, but they are being corrupted by anti america leaders.