Thats awesome, thanks for sharing my story with her!Sounds good. We should use what we're comfortable with.
I forwarded your story on to a lady friend of mine that lives in the northern Front range area. She goes out and about a lot also.
Thats awesome, thanks for sharing my story with her!Sounds good. We should use what we're comfortable with.
I forwarded your story on to a lady friend of mine that lives in the northern Front range area. She goes out and about a lot also.
haha ! thanks so much, my cat is a character! Something not included in this article is the fact then when my cat saw the mountain lion she looked at it like it was her mom and she wanted to run off with it! silly thing haha
haha ! thanks so much, my cat is a character! Something not included in this article is the fact then when my cat saw the mountain lion she looked at it like it was her mom and she wanted to run off with it! silly thing haha
I have learned to always look around for cats when hunting.Hi everyoneBridget Fabel here, the author of this article. Thanks so much to everyone who reads and comments! The confidence that my RO elite operator 10mm gives me is priceless!! The Armory life and I are working on releasing more of my survival stories.. stay tuned!
I'm saving up to buy a rock island double stack 1911 in 10mm but I have a question for bridget when did brookie start acting up was it about the same time as the mountain lion started following could it be she was giving you a warning that big cat was following in her own way knowing you would keep her safeHello all, here is today's article posted on It is titled My 10mm vs. a
Mountain Lion and can be found at
I think she started acting up when the mountain lion started stalking us. When I hiked back I found the mountain lions tracks on the trail for about 1/4 mile before the point where I found him.. so I think she was definitely afraid and warning me. The Mountain lions are so quiet I had no idea he was there!I'm saving up to buy a rock island double stack 1911 in 10mm but I have a question for bridget when did brookie start acting up was it about the same time as the mountain lion started following could it be she was giving you a warning that big cat was following in her own way knowing you would keep her safe
moose are way scary!! they are so big, stay safe!No big cats up here in NH to worry about just black bear and moose. I ride my MTN bike sometimes alone in the woods for a few hours at a time and I would rather not run into an unexpected bear or moose. Either one of these animals could give you a real bad day. There are cases of people on bikes that have been mauled and killed by black bear while riding.
I would say that could definitely happen. They are so sneaky and stealthy that they can watch your every move and stay hidden. pretty scary when you think about it!Since this thread is about the big cats and I have very little knowledge concerning them , can a big cat walk when a man walks and stop when a man stops? I mean exactly. Not a step after we stopped , not a step after we started walking again . It was in perfect unison with us.
Several years after I saw the print in the mud hole 3 buddies and I were walking a fire road in the woods about 300 yards South of the mud hole at night. All of a sudden we heard steps being made as we walked only whatever it was was out in the woods but not more then about 10 yards or less from us and to each side of us. As we stepped they stepped and when we stopped they stopped . All at the same time. We all had high powered lights and 2 of my friends had .22 rifles , I had my Mini 14 and the other guy had my 30-30 . With the lights we couldn't see anything , no matter how many times we tried. No eye shine , nothing but it was close. This woods didn't have much ground brush either. We ended up back to back and walked slowly out of there.
I have been out in the woods on many , many occasions , both day and night but that night I was spooked I don't mind saying.
I hope to get one some day, great gun!If you have the chance, check out a 10mm XDm in either 4.5 or 5.25 for the heck of it.
Mountain lions are ambush predators. They don't have the endurance to chase down game like wolves do so they stalk up to a point then rush the target.
I want a trained backpack cat!Or put those on Bridgets' cat!
I want a trained backpack cat!
Brookie is awesome!
I would say that could definitely happen. They are so sneaky and stealthy that they can watch your every move and stay hidden. pretty scary when you think about it!