Hi @powerboatr,
God bless your generous friend. Prayers for him.
Thank you for your indulgence,
God bless your generous friend. Prayers for him.
Thank you for your indulgence,
I Wish your friend the best.late last night he called me and asked ...can you go out in my laundry shed and unplug the machines and turn off water...yeah sure i say
then he says...oh i have a bunch of tools in there as well, please go through them and take what you need.
sooooo this afternoon i have some brand new electricians tools ( his profession) , many i have borrowed before for my house jobs, plus a few brand new heavy gauge extension cords and a few tool bags that look like they sat in the box untouched for years..( range bags i am thinking)
i am packing up all his clothes to send to his sister, as he will stay with her if they let him leave the rehab facility
he will be missed, a crazy Vietnam veteran and great stories of OMG brother. i pray he stays well. i would rather bring his tools back to him, and have a few beers
thank you all for the prayers