I'll take 1 of each please.
My Xmas list-
Ronin .45 cuz I don't have a .45
PX4 Storm to go with my CX4 Storm
92FS or M9 for the wife unless she comes across something that she likes better (she fell in love at first hold)
M1A because I've always wanted one but bought the Saint Victor .308 first due to price and practicality
I'd also like a Mossberg MVP Precision but I don't have anywhere to shoot it sooo...
Maybe an SA-35 after you guys buy them first

All of the pieces that I have were bought for practical purposes and for varying distances (aside from my CX4 which I got back in 04) . Now it's collecting time.
I'm sure I'm forgetting something or that somethings going to pop up that I have to have.