Absolutely the same ........... The 2nd reads "keep and bear". That in any language means owning and carrying. Don't you agree? And it doesn't add any prior requirements or conditions.Lawfully carrying a gun/weapon is in NO WAY just like a driver's license, or even a little bit like a driver's license. It's a guaranteed RIGHT where driving is a PRIVILEGE.
I want to ask you this...you made the above statement earlier. Do you feel owning and carrying a gun are the same thing in the context of 2A? Just want to clarify.
Let me say this ..... I've been around this dirt ball for a long time. I've seen good, bad, dumb, intelligent, interesting, dull, and on and on and on. I've been associated with many and various pro 2nd amendment organizations over many, many years. And I'm sad to say that over those many years I've seen one organization after another fold up, give in, and accept almost anything the anti-gunners have claimed to be for the "public good", or for "public safety", some for "the children" and some simply because it 'feels good'. Not a damn one of them were ever what they claimed to be. One after another they continued to strip away at our 2nd amendment rights because so many of 'us' didn't see them as an infringement, only a "minor inconvenience".
Today my alliance is very limited and I stand as tall as I'm capable of standing in favor of the rights I've fought for and relish. I've left many organizations over the years simply because they didn't stand tall. Now, understand this..... I'm no 'militia' member, nor anything ideologically on the far right fringes. But I do believe in the validity of our constitution and I'm an original-list. I wholeheartedly believe that if the constitution were interpreted as it was written and intended rather than as somebody wishes it were intended, our country would not be in the turmoil it's in today.
I was born before B/W TV was readily available to the general public and I watched a man walk on the moon, and even a permanent space station where men/women stay at length. When I look around today and see all the carnage done to so many cities around the country, the misguided efforts to wipe out the history of this great nation, the destruction of public property, etc, and then realize how so many today feel they need a 'safe room' to hide in instead of supporting the very country that provided everything and every advantage they have, it boggles my mind. I have to wonder just how we would have ended up if today's kids were called upon to defend this nation like in WWII, Korea, and Nam. Today unfortunately the biggest fight is in-house, not in another far off theater. And in my mind, we had beteer start recognizing that if this country is to survive. Because once lost, I don't think it will ever be recovered.
But that's a whole other topic for another time. For now, adios my friend and good night.