
N.Year range day report


Happy New Year all..,

Quick range report ( first one for 2022 ?).
I’m here with my two newest, the Wilson CQB & Springer Garrison, and my older Ronin… All .45, S&B 230gr FMJ.
A bit breezy but warm (near 70f ?).
Overcast (good, imho)
Almost no pne else on line when I arrived (super!).

The 4 new Chip McCormick mags worked flawlessly and I'm very pleased with them at ~$26/per.

Only one hiccup so far - Garrison had one FTF on the last round of a half full mag.

BLUF: I continue to shoot best with my broken in Ronin. Dunno if its the red FO or what. I can say the trigger is better than Garrisons. Wilson ran a close second. Smaller green FO; better grip however.
All did well. Ronin might be a “familiarity factor” at play (?).

Mostly shooting hanging plates from the 15y mark (see pic of wall) but also moving forward & back occasionally.

Interesting thing: I’ve changed my trigger finger position. No longer pressing with the last pad. I’m putting entire finger in, and squeezing as though making a fist - but only with the finger. Seems to work better with my small hands, grip wise. And I don’t ‘search’ for the pad position that way - its more fluid.
I practiced off & on last night by making a grip fist as though holding a gun then moving my index finger out (keeping it bent) then back in without moving the rest of my hand…. Dunno if this would help anyone else with small hand syndrome, but PM me if there’s questions about it.
But - I several times rang plates with all 8 shots from well beyond the 15y mark, using Ronin and CQB. The plates are 6x6 inch.
It’s a combination of things today, but the best performance I’ve hand in a long time. No over-concentrating, either :)
Please have a safe New Yrs weekend ! 4F50C096-76F2-4185-A867-47A4BE8A2455.jpegB92B115B-EF92-4409-833A-8EF4579C8A45.jpeg
Happy New Year all..,

Quick range report ( first one for 2022 ?).
I’m here with my two newest, the Wilson CQB & Springer Garrison, and my older Ronin… All .45, S&B 230gr FMJ.
A bit breezy but warm (near 70f ?).
Overcast (good, imho)
Almost no pne else on line when I arrived (super!).

The 4 new Chip McCormick mags worked flawlessly and I'm very pleased with them at ~$26/per.

Only one hiccup so far - Garrison had one FTF on the last round of a half full mag.

BLUF: I continue to shoot best with my broken in Ronin. Dunno if its the red FO or what. I can say the trigger is better than Garrisons. Wilson ran a close second. Smaller green FO; better grip however.
All did well. Ronin might be a “familiarity factor” at play (?).

Mostly shooting hanging plates from the 15y mark (see pic of wall) but also moving forward & back occasionally.

Interesting thing: I’ve changed my trigger finger position. No longer pressing with the last pad. I’m putting entire finger in, and squeezing as though making a fist - but only with the finger. Seems to work better with my small hands, grip wise. And I don’t ‘search’ for the pad position that way - its more fluid.
I practiced off & on last night by making a grip fist as though holding a gun then moving my index finger out (keeping it bent) then back in without moving the rest of my hand…. Dunno if this would help anyone else with small hand syndrome, but PM me if there’s questions about it.
But - I several times rang plates with all 8 shots from well beyond the 15y mark, using Ronin and CQB. The plates are 6x6 inch.
It’s a combination of things today, but the best performance I’ve hand in a long time. No over-concentrating, either :)
Please have a safe New Yrs weekend !View attachment 23757View attachment 23758
Nice range.
Lookin good!! Nice clean outdoor range too. Was supposed to go shoot today as well but some dumbass at my part time job at Academy thought it would be a great idea to come to work knowing they tested positive for Covid. So There is a high chance I was exposed. I don't want to be that guy so i'm stuck in the house for a few days until i can get my hands on a test.
Lookin good!! Nice clean outdoor range too. Was supposed to go shoot today as well but some dumbass at my part time job at Academy thought it would be a great idea to come to work knowing they tested positive for Covid. So There is a high chance I was exposed. I don't want to be that guy so i'm stuck in the house for a few days until i can get my hands on a test.
🙄 omg !
Well , exposure doesn’t by itself mean you have it…and some that get it never experience a single problem, or symptom.
Yeah, get tested for sure.
Wishing u the best !
🙄 omg !
Well , exposure doesn’t by itself mean you have it…and some that get it never experience a single problem, or symptom.
Yeah, get tested for sure.
Wishing u the best !
Indeed, but id rather not run around today and then find out tomorrow im positive. I still feel fine. If i'm feeling ok tomorrow also, ill go to the range either tomorrow or Monday. Should have a test by then as well.
I'm impressed you had a range that was open today, unless it is private with individual keyed-access...then I'm jealous!
My gun club is open 365 days a year. And not only can I draw however I please, I can erect barricades, run drills and train to my heart's content. No fancy concrete sidewalls, but we have a shack full of targets and accessories, concrete walkways with benches, 12, 25, 50, 100 and 200 yard berms with permanent target stands and steel gongs on the 100 and 200 yard berms. Plus we have 15 different shotgun ranges, trap houses and random empty ranges. Also deer and turkey hunting and the owner breeds Brittany Spaniels and raises quail, chukkar and pheasants if one was so inclined to "hunt" pen raised birds, which I am not. Middle of nowhere, 8 miles from my house, $150/year.
And I am stuck home because my wife is sick,+COVID. we're both vaccinated with boosters.
I have a headache so if thats as bad as I get Ill be happy.

Excellent! Jealous 👍👍
Same symptoms everyone is complaining about. At this point I am done worrying about it. My wife and I both probably had it the last few days. Snotty, Headache, cough. Both vaccinated, her with booster, I am not eligible yet. It's just not scaring me anymore.
Damn bassbob I am jealous that’s so cheap 150 a year wish we had that kind of deal here I be on it like a bear on honey

I have always shot in my backyard. I only realistically have about 35 yards to play with, but I primarily entertain myself with shotguns. Nevertheless, as good as I am about picking up hulls and brass, my wife God love her, decided to give me a birthday present one year of a range membership. Man if she found one hull or case she crabbed like it was the end of the world. She has flowers and blah, blah, blah. Anyway, it is close enough and cool enough that I don't shoot in the yard much anymore. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I have always shot in my backyard. I only realistically have about 35 yards to play with, but I primarily entertain myself with shotguns. Nevertheless, as good as I am about picking up hulls and brass, my wife God love her, decided to give me a birthday present one year of a range membership. Man if she found one hull or case she crabbed like it was the end of the world. She has flowers and blah, blah, blah. Anyway, it is close enough and cool enough that I don't shoot in the yard much anymore. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I can shoot from my second floor patio and I’m guessing about 99% of the spent brass would stay on the deck however I don’t because I’m sure the neighbors would be very upset. 🤦‍♂️😁😬😂😂😂
i I I have always shot in my backyard. I only realistically have about 35 yards to play with, but I primarily entertain myself with shotguns. Nevertheless, as good as I am about picking up hulls and brass, my wife God love her, decided to give me a birthday present one year of a range membership. Man if she found one hull or case she crabbed like it was the end of the world. She has flowers and blah, blah, blah. Anyway, it is close enough and cool enough that I don't shoot in the yard much anymore. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Still now I am really jealous you get to shoot in you own backyard I got nothing to say to you bassbob
I got a cold a couple months ago and tested negative twice and negative for the flu. When my wife got sick I believed it was cold flu too. I still don't believe it when she tested positive. I believe she was sick. But I don't believe the tests. I believe I have a headache.

But my club is a primarily skeet and trap with a little pistol range and rifle lane. We have opened it up more for pistol and rifle but we don't have the amenities like @Bassbob
I got a cold a couple months ago and tested negative twice and negative for the flu. When my wife got sick I believed it was cold flu too. I still don't believe it when she tested positive. I believe she was sick. But I don't believe the tests. I believe I have a headache.

But my club is a primarily skeet and trap with a little pistol range and rifle lane. We have opened it up more for pistol and rifle but we don't have the amenities like @Bassbob

Other than the hunting part, which is not free, you are left to your own devices. I am almost always completely alone, which is just how I like it. I do often run into an old guy called Jeff who is the best friend of the owner Bill and who has taught me a lot of very cool stuff. Anyway, those " Amenities", like hunting with the dogs and what not are extras above and beyond my membership. You can upgrade your membership to include those things, but since I have no interest in hunting pen raised birds, I don't. And if I did want to bird hunt it's real affordable. $5 a bird or something.

It's a very big piece of property with a lot of different ranges, but they are all unmanned. There is no RO and the only rules are the standard general safety rules. There is a lodge where they have couches and a kitchen, complete with a woman who will cook for you ( free). Coffee and soft drinks (free). Comfortable lounging. They have ammo ( mostly shotgun shells) for sale and reloaders and other stuff. Lots of taxidermy on the wall and unique and antique guns, etc.. They always ask me if I want something to eat or anything, but other than occasionally picking the old guys' brains about this or that I pretty much just go in, sign in on the range sheet and go out to shoot. Then sign out on my way out.