Guys, I agree with y'all in attempting to hurt NASCAR by staying away, but the reality is that where this technique will often work on a small, local business, maybe even occasionally a large national corporation, NASCAR is simply too spread out over too much terrtory for it to have much of an impact. The facts are, even though NASCAR has gone a direction I personally hate (WOKE), I also recognize their fan base is still too large for any grass roots group to have an impact. The numbers of us who would likely constitute a 'grass roots' campaign is simply not enough today. We're too old or dead already.
I think we can all agree the southern, good ol' boys that once were NASCAR's 'bread n butter', have mostly died off, or at least are too old to participate in any meaningful way. Think of the ages of most of the good ol' boys today .... those still living. NASCAR was founded in 1947 and the average of those who were involved at the time were already in their 20's, 30's and more. The vast majority of those still alive are in their 70's, 80's 90's or ???? Their grandkids, even some of their youngest kids being mostly millennials/gen z's and having little interest in following in dad's, or moreso grand dad's interests is what has caused it. I'm not painting young millennials/gen z's as bad or anything not honorable, just that they typically have little, or at least less interest in even owning a car, much less racing in general. Think back to how anxious we were to reach the age of 16 in order to get our driver's license. Hell, today's kids don't even want a car, much less the responsibility of owning and paying for one. Now I'm certainly not implying all young people are like that, just a majority enough to have a seriously negative impact on the sport in general.
Brian France refused to see that for years, some even say he couldn't see it through the haze of some of his life's choices, and that he almost killed NASCAR single handedly. By the time he was finally ousted, NASCAR was nearly down for the count. Once others took over (mostly late genX'ers and/or millennials themselves), their only option was to try to interest and involve the segment of the country's population where the best opportunity for 'life support' existed, both in numbers and money. If the younger generations are not brought in, the sport will die .... simple as that.
And it's not just NASCAR, it's virtually all forms of auto racing, horse racing, even dog racing. Basically anything not "Green"! I still go to my local bullrings around my area when I can, as often as I can, and now when stands are maybe 1/3rd full, when just a few years ago was standing room only, it should tell us all something. I hate it, but I've come to terms with it that it's the future and if I'm still to enjoy a sport I've personally been involved with for more than 60 years, and my dad was involved from the first days of NASCAR (he'd be 94-95? this year, I have his original NASCAR membership card ), I have to accept it as it is. And trust me when I say it's not just the generational aspect I hate, it's the prohibiting of things and events that built NASCAR as well. I understand it, I just hate it!
So, know that I understand all these comments here and the feelings of most of ya'll. I'm not disputing anything any of y'all have said here, they're your opinions and you're certainly entitled to them (*even if you are wrong) ..... I'm only explaining my concept of what has, and what will happen in the future. My only hope is that I don't live to see their 1st venture into electric vehicle racing. I just ain't sure I could handle that at Daytona or Atlanta, or others. It will come at some point, be assured of it. But that's just simply not civilized.
Just this one ol' man's perception, and something to ponder on! Oh yeh, a little kidding back there somewhere. jj