
Nature Captured At Its Finest, Most Adorable, Incredible, Beautiful And Amazing Moments


Bumble Bee Owl, incredible coloring.
That's a huge female and a shotgun will take care of her quickly.
Males are small and can fly with the breeze.

They do have venom but not serious for humans, just bugs and rodents and such
I murdered hundreds of them with one of these last year... they are adapting to my efforts by building huge webs more than 50 feet up in the pines. The cold doesn't bother them, and I'm afraid they are here to stay.

You can see the attending male in this picture

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They are colorful

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Well, the mother cat was acting squirrelly yesterday by wanting an unusual amount of affection. Being not my cat she hangs around the garage a lot. This is the cat that would hiss at me a lot. She figured out I'm not a bad person as her kids would come to play. About 7ish last night I noticed she couldn't keep her fluids contained. I guess I'll make her a bed as so to get comfortable. Within an hour or 1 1/2 she finally gave birth. With her emotional support animal (her daughter) she was used as a body pillow. 4 kiddos there be.
Awe lucky kitty