
Nature Captured At Its Finest, Most Adorable, Incredible, Beautiful And Amazing Moments


Stare contest winner.
Neighbors found a small fawn caught in a fence, she was very weak. They took it home and raised it. They put a bright orange collar on her. Everyone round here knew bout her, she would come running when you whistled. My wife would feed her apples. She had a fawn but it would keep its distance from people. She was 2 years old when she was shot by a outta state hunter, still wearing the bright orange collar.
Neighbors found a small fawn caught in a fence, she was very weak. They took it home and raised it. They put a bright orange collar on her. Everyone round here knew bout her, she would come running when you whistled. My wife would feed her apples. She had a fawn but it would keep its distance from people. She was 2 years old when she was shot by a outta state hunter, still wearing the bright orange collar.
In a lot of states, it is illegal to raise deer. Even if you think you are doing good by taking in a fawn, the law says otherwise
In a lot of states, it is illegal to raise deer. Even if you think you are doing good by taking in a fawn, the law says otherwise
Not just deer but wildlife in general, taking care of orphaned or injured wildlife needs to be done by professionals so they can be cared for properly with as little human interaction as possible so when they are released they can take care of themselves.
Not just deer but wildlife in general, taking care of orphaned or injured wildlife needs to be done by professionals so they can be cared for properly with as little human interaction as possible so when they are released they can take care of themselves.
In most cases, 100% true as the sick/injured/abandoned animal will become a pet and humans imprinted on the animals mind and can never return to the wyld.
The only exception is an animal who is permanently crippled and can not ever survive in the wyld
I believe I saw the news about them ❓
They said, they are another invasive species that came from Asia.
While they are huge, they are non-venomous and have huge webs.
Imported from China, and their venom is like a bee sting.
Over the last 2 months I have been spotting tiny baby Joro building webs all over the property, it won't be long before I murder them as well.