
Negligent shooting in gun shop

Every time I’ve handled a handgun at a gun shop, the sales person has cleared in front of me and locked the slide back before handing it to me. Then I do a visual and clear it. I don’t dry fire a gun that isn’t mine, but I do check the action and the sights. I have seen counter guys mistreat handguns, ie…slamming the slide forward. Makes me cringe. Sorry, I digress. 😎
It really brings home the fact that you cannot become complacent when it comes to firearms. It happens way too often.
I'll dry fire them if I'm not already familiar with the trigger. Obviously after clearing the weapon and pointing it in a safe direction.
This is why I get annoyed when someone looking at a gun in the LGS sweeps me with it. It happens a lot and they get irritated when you ask them not to point it at you. I’ve actually said - Please forgive me if I don’t take your word that it’s unloaded. What’s more is more often than not the gun shop guy will look at you like a you’re an arsehole. And it’s not even a case of don’t go back there, because I see it everywhere.
This is why I get annoyed when someone looking at a gun in the LGS sweeps me with it. It happens a lot and they get irritated when you ask them not to point it at you. I’ve actually said - Please forgive me if I don’t take your word that it’s unloaded. What’s more is more often than not the gun shop guy will look at you like a you’re an arsehole. And it’s not even a case of don’t go back there, because I see it everywhere.
I wouldn't be going back to that gun shop then. Feckin' everyone knows rule number one and if they don't they have ZERO business handling a firearm.
Many years ago I went to Northern IN. because my Grandpa was trying to get me a job as a crane oiler. We went into a farm type store that had a gun section . Grandpa wanted to look at a shotgun they had . It was used. As he looked it over he put it to his shoulder and was swinging it around , pointed at the ceiling.

Then he decided to pump the action and a shell popped out. Yes it was loaded. Seems they had let a well known customer take it home to try out and when he brought it back he had left a shell in the chamber.

The customer failed the safety rules of gun handling
The clerk behind the counter failed the safety rules at least twice
My Grandpa also failed the safety rules.

I have often wondered how many others failed before my Grandpa picked out that shotgun to look at. I don't care if I have watched someone clear a firearm , if I take it from them or pick it up after them , I clear that same firearm.
A great big ol' AGREE!!!
I wouldn't be going back to that gun shop then. Feckin' everyone knows rule number one and if they don't they have ZERO business handling a firearm.
Like I said, if it happened in just one place I would, but I’ve seen it in the vast majority of places I’ve been to. And it’s not just first timers, it’s seasoned gun guys too. I put it down to the I don’t give a f- attitude that everyone seems to have to each other these days - particularly in DFW.
Like I said, if it happened in just one place I would, but I’ve seen it in the vast majority of places I’ve been too. And it’s not just first timers, it’s seasoned gun guys too. I put it down to the I don’t give a f- attitude that everyone seems to have to each other these days - particularly in DFW.
I can honestly say in the hundreds, perhaps thousands of times I've been in gun stores I have never once seen it happen. I'm also extremely sure if it did happen I would have a lot to say about it. A lot.
I can honestly say in the hundreds, perhaps thousands of times I've been in gun stores I have never once seen it happen. I'm also extremely sure if it did happen I would have a lot to say about it. A lot.
a few months ago, i was at the large LGS.

a man i'd say in his 50's wanted to sell his gun.

he was handling it like it was a toy, and mind you, in his 50's...

i stood back, the owner saw me move, and the owner ordered him quite loudly too, to clear the gun.......and the guy looked at him as if, "like WTF, it's empty".

the owner did not have to tell him a second time.