Polymer Cased Ammunition....
They claim the latest developments have brought it to the point its lighter, more accurate and handles heat better than brass....
Its not ready for prime time yet, but currently you can get very expensive exotic high accuracy match rounds in Polymer....
More accurate? It has to do with the ability to shape the interior of the case better and more consistently with polymer, to better direct the pressure and produce more consistent results, and consistent is what accuracy is all about....

They claim the latest developments have brought it to the point its lighter, more accurate and handles heat better than brass....

True Velocity's New Polymer-cased Ammunition - Guns and Ammo
The new True Velocity Polymer-cased ammunition is light, accurate, consistent and robust.

Its not ready for prime time yet, but currently you can get very expensive exotic high accuracy match rounds in Polymer....
More accurate? It has to do with the ability to shape the interior of the case better and more consistently with polymer, to better direct the pressure and produce more consistent results, and consistent is what accuracy is all about....