
New Mexico Governor Suspends Gun Rights

Additional link…….

New Mexico AG to Governor on Defending Her Second Amendment Suspension: Drop Dead​

Well that was quick
Well that was quick
Ok my morning rant………..
As it should have been even though multiple law enforcement agencies vowed not to comply with that order anyway.
Unfortunately what that governor did was open the door for other municipalities leaders to try the same thing and will tweak their policies/orders using the NM governors obvious failure as a stepping stone to continue to disarm law abiding citizens.

In a recent news article the NM Governor stated that basically doing nothing was like ignoring that an 11 year old boy was killed. NO Governor don’t ignore that but go after the criminals NOT law abiding citizens. Going after good people instead of bad people just makes you a bad person.

End of rant.
Ok my morning rant………..
As it should have been even though multiple law enforcement agencies vowed not to comply with that order anyway.
Unfortunately what that governor did was open the door for other municipalities leaders to try the same thing and will tweak their policies/orders using the NM governors obvious failure as a stepping stone to continue to disarm law abiding citizens.

In a recent news article the NM Governor stated that basically doing nothing was like ignoring that an 11 year old boy was killed. NO Governor don’t ignore that but go after the criminals NOT law abiding citizens. Going after good people instead of bad people just makes you a bad person.

End of rant.
Not enough people pointing that out to these clowns in the public eye. The legacy media are willing accomplices to the continued failed policies of these leftist, defund the police jerks. All these rabid dogs get on the TV spewing their nonsense and it makes the evening news and never is the truth presented. This is how my very pro gun, veto proof red state allowed the corrupt mayor of St. Louis to pass an ordinance banning open carry in the city. Not a week later she was on the TV talking about an ordinance to ban "Assault weapons" and "High capacity magazines". At that point though Andrew Bailey the AG very publicly came out and wrote her a letter stating that it was unconstitutional and that he wouldn't let it happen. Still, she snuck her foot in the door as Missouri has pre-emption laws and they just allowed her to pass a city ordinance that appears to supercede the state constitution.
Hey I have a genius idea for her. How about you fund, staff, and train law enforcement and send them out after the violent criminals who do the shootings. Then you can pass tough laws and lock them up and throw away the keys. I wonder why no one ever thought of this before?
add in the DA needs to actually prosecute the criminals that get caught. stop the catch and release. and hold DA responsible for actually doing their job , vice pulling a let em go tactic.