
New Sig Sauer product...


Founding Member
Sig Sauer is experimenting with pistol-armed quadcopters that a single person can carry and employ because, as one spokesman has put it, "why wouldn't we?"


The FAA and ATF may have to team up on this one.
Now that's scary right there. Kinda reminds of the older movie BLUE THUNDER with Roy Scheider. That helicopter in the movie was armed, had sensitive hearing technology oh and the whisper mode so people didn't know she was flying. Just watched it the other night. Makes you wonder if they actually do have and use that technology...
Sig Sauer is experimenting with pistol-armed quadcopters that a single person can carry and employ because, as one spokesman has put it, "why wouldn't we?"

View attachment 45036

The FAA and ATF may have to team up on this one.
The FAA is de-facto involved via the GPS on the quadcopter that would restrict flying in dangerous or controlled zones, although some jackasses have managed to do it and fly a DJI next to a commercial airliner.

Honestly, there's nothing that complicated in there that anybody couldn't do on their own. I bet the stabilization software is good enough on a most likely $5K quadcopter to recover from the recoil fast and fly well... Hovering and shooting several shot quickly might be slightly harder.

This seems like a silly gimmick for scoring marketing points, there are flamethrower quadcopter available, $1,500 no license necessary, friggin' frightening!


And there's always the Smart Shooter SMASH out of Israel, that one is a seriously big a$$ mofo

Now that's scary right there. Kinda reminds of the older movie BLUE THUNDER with Roy Scheider. That helicopter in the movie was armed, had sensitive hearing technology oh and the whisper mode so people didn't know she was flying. Just watched it the other night. Makes you wonder if they actually do have and use that technology...
If they do you’d never know.
Sig Sauer is experimenting with pistol-armed quadcopters that a single person can carry and employ because, as one spokesman has put it, "why wouldn't we?"

View attachment 45036

The FAA and ATF may have to team up on this one.
I see nothing good whatsoever coming from the development of this, totally unnecessary for anyone outside of the military.
Now that's scary right there. Kinda reminds of the older movie BLUE THUNDER with Roy Scheider. That helicopter in the movie was armed, had sensitive hearing technology oh and the whisper mode so people didn't know she was flying. Just watched it the other night. Makes you wonder if they actually do have and use that technology...
Well, think about this. The A-12/SR-71 first flew in 1964; yeah almost 50 years ago. What they have now would be mind-boggling. BTW, when they took the SR-71 out of service, they brought a few of them back in the late 90s. They found out with the satellite coverage we had at the time they could not be retasked in a timely manner, so the SR-71s had an encore performance for a few years.
Well, think about this. The A-12/SR-71 first flew in 1964; yeah almost 50 years ago. What they have now would be mind-boggling. BTW, when they took the SR-71 out of service, they brought a few of them back in the late 90s. They found out with the satellite coverage we had at the time they could not be retasked in a timely manner, so the SR-71s had an encore performance for a few years.
Heck U2 are still flying missions for the CIA, that's even older. Same with B52 and C-130. Even though the airframe is old, the electronics inside has been redone many times over and is top notch. What we do even better now with electronics warfare is have "pretend" bogies that would fool any electronics. So when we see UFO radar "proof", it's just that, digital make believe.
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