Ok, first range report on this 911 9mm. Went to my range, could only shoot the 8” steel plates, target stands were gone.....

Shot at a distance of 7-10 yards, gun shot pretty good, only had 4 ftf issues, shot about 50 rounds, so I’m not complaining about just those 4 ftf. Ammo I was using was the Federal aluminum case Champion 115gr fmc.
Pros: accurate, night sights, grips and the texture makes it easy to keep hold of during recoil. 7 round mag with pinky extension.
Cons: snappy recoil, ambi safety, some issues with inserting and removing the mag.
Overall, I really like this pistol, the ambI safety was my biggest issue, I kept having where you flip safety on, all was fine, when I took safety off, the fleshy part of my hand between my thumb and forefinger caused the safety not to go all the way to the fire position, meaning when I flipped safety down to fire, the safety would hit my hand in that area and not go into the fire position fully. Overall I like this gun, would recommend it.