Well, I for one have had more than enough of our side taking it on the chin. Or taking the high road, whatever you want to call it. We just spent 5 years watching the house pull every dirty, power grab trick they could think of with no second thoughts about it. Now we're supposed to sit here wringing our hands over whether or not they will stack the court or end the filibuster ? Then when we take the house back it will be the same thing it was before. Like all that never happened and let's compromise and not flex our power. The media is watching ya know.
That's one thing Trump did. He brought all that BS out in the open. So either the genie is out of the bottle or we can sit and watch people who think they're our betters take away our rights " For our own good".
Let me be even more frank. I'm not talking about emails my mom sends me from god knows where about the vast left wing conspiracy to turn the US into Russia and how Bill Gates is behind it all including the pizza parlor pedophile ring. I'm talking about an article which correctly points out what Biden, Harris and most other democrats want to do and what strategies they may employ in their bid to surgically remove the 2nd amendment from the bill of rights one crappy law or executive order at a time. I get some people think this is a perfectly good time to join the left in their fear and hatred of the NRA (and I'm not addressing Wayne La Pierre or the sketchy financial BS here). We've been hearing for years from the left how the NRA uses scare tactics to sell guns and how the democrats don't really want our guns. I didn't really expect to hear that here. You can say a lot of things about the NRA, but if you believe they need to use scare tactics to convince people that Biden and the democrats want to take your guns you're obviously on a different path logically than I'm on.
Again, what specifically warrants someone to say " If it comes from the NRA-ILA it's suspect" ? And before you answer, remember that the NRA-ILA is the reason you can carry your gun with you outside of your house. If the NRA-ILA hadn't been active, the Clinton administration would have been the beginning of the end of anything resembling 2A rights in this country.