as a long time gov employee and now a retiree
the biggest issue in my time was the BUILT IN bureaucracy when you changed commands.
it was not the military folks was the older than Moses, civil service folks that felt no matter what the military leaders wanted to do to benefit the actual service member, we were always met with STOP force from the old civil employees that somehow thought they ruled the roost.
i admit you need a certain core of folks to maintain continuity, because NEW commanders are a guarantee every 24 to 36 months, if not sooner. just like the lower ranks, we change out 24 to 36 months of not sooner.
over time those "continuity" folks tended to grow, all the while with no real justification for the additional personnel
then these persons created rice bowls and heaven help anyone that questioned their actions or policies, especially when those policies were in contradiction to good order or actual REAL policies.
now i am not saying all civil service peoples are way
but the mission creep is very real and new positions are often created when they are NOT NEEDED , then those folks are in and its hard to RIF( reduction in force) or re-assign or even get rid of the position.
my last job at redstone arsenal we had 2 different offices within PEO aviation doing the SAME JOBS for the fleet user, but it had happened becasue one was under the aviation arm and the other under aviation support equipment.
but these 2 offices didnt talk to each other nor attend meetings or planning events, despite being in the same building, and same FLOOR.
it took a dumb retired sailor to accidentally stumble, fall, etc into a set of meetings and discover this, by asking the question heard around the world being one of those "I know butt" trying to catch up with the effort since i had just been hired and needed to catch up to help the aviators.
the army had spent over 40 million on research and development both programs and still had ZERO product to help the fleet of aviators.
the solution came from, of all places the people that put up the dining facilities and deal with POTABLE water, a system that had been solved decades implementing the solution to the aviators was easy and costs were vastly lower as the gear was already in the system.
so for me seeing an outside entity doing a real look to see what could be moved or re-assigned or vacated is a WONDERFUL thing
yes some people may get RIF or re-assigned ...but its all our tax dollars and we SHALL be getting our money worth
whether its contractors, civil service or even some active duty JOBS