
"Old" Guns

Hello. I bought a Springfield XD-9 from quite a few years back after experiencing wonderful placement of my shots at a rental gun shop. It is the basic model with a little bit over 3" barrel. Now there are all these new Springfield 9's with all the bells and whistles and wonder if my old XD-9 is just as good as the new ones since those rental shops are gone now so I can't compare them. Your take? Thank you
Hello. I bought a Springfield XD-9 from quite a few years back after experiencing wonderful placement of my shots at a rental gun shop. It is the basic model with a little bit over 3" barrel. Now there are all these new Springfield 9's with all the bells and whistles and wonder if my old XD-9 is just as good as the new ones since those rental shops are gone now so I can't compare them. Your take? Thank you
Are there any indoor ranges near you? Most have rentals you can try. The only other way I can think of is to try them would be through a friend. Good luck, and welcome to the forum!😊
Hello. I bought a Springfield XD-9 from quite a few years back after experiencing wonderful placement of my shots at a rental gun shop. It is the basic model with a little bit over 3" barrel. Now there are all these new Springfield 9's with all the bells and whistles and wonder if my old XD-9 is just as good as the new ones since those rental shops are gone now so I can't compare them. Your take? Thank you
I have had several of those XD pistols, the original ones, one in 9mm and the other in .45acp. If you satisfied with it I wouldn't worry about the new ones unless your in the market for a new pistol, they are just as good as the newer ones, maybe in some instances better, there not going to do much more then the one you got, but the decision is up to you.
Welcome to the forum Audrey.

Better is certainly subjective. I would say those models have evolved since the first XD line, whether it's better or how much better only you could say. I think as far as optic compatibility and support the original XD line is lacking. The fact is though I see the entire XD line being discontinued in the not too distant future. I think that SA will build on the Eschelon and Hellcat lines.

Bottom line, if you are happy with your pistol I wouldn't worry about it. If you are looking to upgrade or try a pistol with a red dot on it or looking for something a different size then it might be fun to go to as many gun shops in your area as you can and look at and handle as many guns as you can.
Welcome to the SA forum, Audrey. Great to have you here!

There are lots of great people here with lots of knowledge and experience with just about any kind of gun you can think of, so don't feel bashful about asking. SA XD-series guns are NOT in my area of expertise so I'll leave you to others far more capable than me. Basically I just wanted to say Hi and make you feel welcome here. ;)
Welcome to the forum from central Virginia. Now as long as you are experiencing wonderful shot placement and your handgun is reliable in its function you may be ahead of the game. In today's world you run the risk of buying a handgun that doesn't measure up to what you have. The remedy to this delimma is to buy a new Springfield with all the options that you desire and then make a side by side comparison. Until then cognitive dissonance will rule until you resolve this issue.

Ever hesr the old saying, if it ain't broke don't fix it.

Which is not to say we don't buy new guns, but sometimes something just works so well it's hard to replace.

Have carried this old surplus Makarov on and off for 20 plus years now. It has been replaced a dozen times with new and improved handguns, and yet, here it is and most off the new guys are long gone.


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I have guns that are over 100 years old that I would have no problem with using to defend myself or my home. Its not about age. Its all about is it functional for you and your needs? Can it get the job done?
If the answer is yes, don't worry about it. ;)
I have guns that are over 100 years old that I would have no problem with using to defend myself or my home. Its not about age. Its all about is it functional for you and your needs? Can it get the job done?
If the answer is yes, don't worry about it. ;)
Audrey, I'm pretty sure my newest handgun was made years before your XD-9 was even invented. And I don't feel the least bit outgunned or undergunned at all. If your gun works and you can shoot it well, you're good. ;)
Hello. I bought a Springfield XD-9 from quite a few years back after experiencing wonderful placement of my shots at a rental gun shop. It is the basic model with a little bit over 3" barrel. Now there are all these new Springfield 9's with all the bells and whistles and wonder if my old XD-9 is just as good as the new ones since those rental shops are gone now so I can't compare them. Your take? Thank you
Welcome to the forum.

I've had a few different XD models over the years in 9 mm, 40 S&W, and 45 acp. I recently acquired an XDS in 45 acp and 4 inch barrel that I think I'll be keeping for a long time, especially after adding the pull ring that makes it easy for this 65 year old to rack the slide on...:).

As others have said, if you're accurate with the XD, you can handle and carry it safely, then unless you need or want to try the features of a newer model, the XD9 should serve you well.

I've handled newer handguns with red dots and it's amazing all the improvements they've made with this technology and how the costs keep dropping. I could see owning a handgun with an optic now, whereas in the past I wasn't too open to that possibility.

I think it's useful if you understand why you have a handgun and why you're thinking about a newer model. I enjoy handling firearms at gun stores as much as anybody, but as a retired guy I live on a fixed income. In my opinion when you have a good, reliable, accurate firearm, it sometimes frees up money for ammunition, a nice holster, etc, etc....:)

Good luck...:)