Look, I have enough of my fought for and hard earned dollars misappropriated by the powers-that-be in Washington, to which I have little recourse besides the ballot box. I will not, BY CHOICE, continue to fund this organization, especially when there are legitimate and reasonable alternative "vehicles to protect our 2A rights."
With all due respect Mr.W, there is no "legitimate and reasonable alternative "vehicles to protect our 2A rights." to the NRA. Yes, there are other pro 2nd organizations that may deserve a portion of your $$$'s dedicated to help defend our 2nd Amd right, but none anywhere near the political clout as the NRA. Every dollar going to other organizations is another dollar less the most powerful pro 2nd lobby in existence has in defense of the 2nd on our behalf. Waiting out the departure of WLP or anyone else may just be the same wait required to see our 2nd rights reduced to nothing.
Can I say without doubt that WLP is not guilty of some shenanigans, of course I can't. But, except for those who choose to curtail $$$'s that helps to keep the NRA the strongest pro gun lobby in existence based on accusations, are in some way saying they believe in the 2nd, but not so much in the other rights. And any who thinks that withholding those $$$'s will somehow help to relieve WLP of his position, I'm afraid are simply mistaken. There are very strong forces out there who for various reasons would love to see the NRA fail, and definitely see the removal of WLP as a best opportunity to see that happen. And they're working hard to see it happen.
I've said this before and will say it again ... WLP has been accused of some pretty rank stuff, but as of now is still only accused. When/if he is
convicted and the board does not remove him then, I may have a different outlook on the situation.
I've had this debate here before and don't intend to debate it again, I'm simply stating my perception. And as much as I'll fight to protect our 2nd Amd right albeit sometimes while holding my nose, so will I also fight to defend the premise of 'Innocent till proven guilty'. That is not a constitutional right per se, but does originate from the constitutional due process protections found in the 5th, 6th, 8th and 14th Amendments. I'll stand by it whether it concerns WLP or anyone on this forum. jj