PPT has some good articles but they all leave stuff out and contain some inaccuracies. They’re generally ok as part of a bigger batch of research, but don’t take their word as gospel. Not all Mossberg receivers are drilled and tapped for instance. All the new ones are though. Without additional work, by someone like Vang Comp, you are not likely to come away with the opinion that an 870 is smoother in action.Forgot about this.
Remington 870 Vs. Mossberg 500: [Battle of the Pumps]
Not sure which pump shotgun to get? We cover the Remington 870 vs Mossberg 500 in terms of controls, action, materials, ergonomics, shell lifters, and
At this stage in my “gun career”, very few of my opinions are organic, yet.
Anyway, another great pump gun is the Ithaca model 37. Browning BPS is good too though neither of those come with high cap tubes. Not sure about the Ithaca but the BPS is easy enough to add a mag extension.
Here’s my pedestrian opinion on pump shotguns for defensive use by people with minimal knowledge and experience with shotguns and gun smithing.
Get a Mossberg 500 or 590.