
Pepper Spray – A Spicy Look at This Painful Tool

One all too often overlooked tactic is to get as much pepper spray up the nose and into the mouth of the aggressor. Eyeballs can be flooded with water quite easily but it is pretty difficult to fully flush the olfactory and sinus systems.
Respectfully That’s not an accurate tactic/statement. The mucus and nose running will cause your nose to get flushed out. While yes the person will get the effects along with the eyes it is not going to make it any worse or last any longer. Just a better hit is a better hit. And wether or not it gets up the nose or does not if it’s a good hit there wasn’t really a notable difference on length of effects.

Along with cold water air is the other great decontamination item.

I have used OC and had secondary residual exposure hundreds of times in-the Federal Bureau of prisons. As a Lieutenant I was required to decontaminate inmates on video as soon as practical (usually within 20 minute).
I am also certified through Chuck Haggard’s Agile Training as an instructor