Thank You.So sorry to hear. So difficult when they leave us.
Thank You.So sorry to hear. So difficult when they leave us.
Thank You.I am so sorry to read of that, @adam sr . Please accept my sincere condolences.
Thank You.Sorry to hear that Adam, my condolences.
Aren't they all sugar and spice..... !My girls
Still a sweet and cool with the shades.....My girls at 16 months
Unfortunately cats bring on my asthma attacks so I have to keep my distance from any fur or dander. When I was a kid we had some that lived down in the barn to take care of rodents.
Beautiful kitty! I have two cats and two dogs. They are all always very helpful around the house lolDo any of you have pets?
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Here is Cassie, she is 4 years old and very helpful when I clean my guns, she keeps track of all the patches, if you know what I mean....
Raised two Huskies that were "brothers" (same parents, different litters). They lived to be 16 & 14.7 yrs old. Both are buried in my backyard. As far as guard dogs, I always heard that if you want a wolf-looking guard dog to get a Malumute. Huskies look "wolfish", but will probably take a burgular through your house saying "Hey, don't forget this!". They're fairly easy-going, and friendly.Had a Dog back in the 80's, but living alone it was tough having to be there to take care of him. Put a crimp in my non-work life. Now that I'm retired, I'm thinking of getting two Huskies, as I do love dogs. If I could, I'd love to own a wolf, I've seen dogs that were breed with wolves (and they look a lot like a wolf), but their cost was several thousand dollars. So huskies are close enough for me and will add to my home security system.👁