
Positives of COVID-19

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There's been a lot of scary negative stuff all over about COVID-19, and rightly so. It's a rough situation. But there's bound to be some good, too. In the spirit of optimism, my normal state of mind, what positives do you see coming out of COVID-19? I'll start with two, one we'll agree on and one we might not.

1. A LOT of people who previously hated guns now see how useful they are and are packing gun stores to buy one. Hopefully they won't forget this and go back to their prior delusions once we get back to normal.

2. We might start respecting science again. I have a lot of faith in God myself, but we need to respect science, too. Hopefully the people who think science is fake or think vaccines are a crock will see the light.

What positives do you see coming from this thing? Lets not argue (I promise I won't), lets just share some positive outlooks.
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Great Topic benstt!

Hoping this pandemic drives the government to push for companies to start making essential items in America again such as the important medicines and protective medical gear.

I definitely think the people see the need for this to happen.
Great Topic benstt!

Hoping this pandemic drives the government to push for companies to start making essential items in America again such as the important medicines and protective medical gear.

I definitely think the people see the need for this to happen.
Good one! Yeah, making things like N95 masks, IV bags, vital meds, and PPE in the United States can only help us.

Stuff like we need to deal with this crisis, need to be MADE HERE. Our President is focused on energy independence and we are now a net-EXPORTER of fuel. We need to do the same with all of our manufacturing markets - we have the raw materials, we have the manpower, and we CERTAINLY have the expertise. Outsourcing our lives to China was just....dumb.

I'm also hoping that the "family" will return. Already we're seeing people walking the streets in the evening; cooking out at home; doing things TOGETHER as a family. It would be nice to see a return to that - more like the '50s, than the 2000s. Along with that, some self-reliance. Barber shops are closed down - when's the last time a spouse cut a family members hair, instead of dropping $35 at a 'salon'? Lets do some of our own stuff again - not to kill small businesses, but to just rekindle the family unit. From that, I think all sorts of good things will grow.

Stuff like we need to deal with this crisis, need to be MADE HERE. Our President is focused on energy independence and we are now a net-EXPORTER of fuel. We need to do the same with all of our manufacturing markets - we have the raw materials, we have the manpower, and we CERTAINLY have the expertise. Outsourcing our lives to China was just....dumb.

I'm also hoping that the "family" will return. Already we're seeing people walking the streets in the evening; cooking out at home; doing things TOGETHER as a family. It would be nice to see a return to that - more like the '50s, than the 2000s. Along with that, some self-reliance. Barber shops are closed down - when's the last time a spouse cut a family members hair, instead of dropping $35 at a 'salon'? Lets do some of our own stuff again - not to kill small businesses, but to just rekindle the family unit. From that, I think all sorts of good things will grow.
Good one! I myself love seeing the friendliness from people when I go for a run at lunch. There's so much more "good morning!" and "Hi" than there was a couple months ago. The same with family; many more calls and get togethers (in small groups) than before. I hope a lot of families get closer during this thing.
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Stuff like we need to deal with this crisis, need to be MADE HERE. Our President is focused on energy independence and we are now a net-EXPORTER of fuel. We need to do the same with all of our manufacturing markets - we have the raw materials, we have the manpower, and we CERTAINLY have the expertise. Outsourcing our lives to China was just....dumb.

I'm also hoping that the "family" will return. Already we're seeing people walking the streets in the evening; cooking out at home; doing things TOGETHER as a family. It would be nice to see a return to that - more like the '50s, than the 2000s. Along with that, some self-reliance. Barber shops are closed down - when's the last time a spouse cut a family members hair, instead of dropping $35 at a 'salon'? Lets do some of our own stuff again - not to kill small businesses, but to just rekindle the family unit. From that, I think all sorts of good things will grow.
Divorce Attorneys will have a large payday after Covid-19 🤪

kidding.. well sort of..LEO associations say the Domestic violence cases are up. Which is not good at all.

i hope we will start to make lots of stuff in America again like others have said. As well as bringing family time back hopefully.
I agree with both your points benstt. I've pointed out in other posts, that even if a small minority of new gun owners that bought during this pandemic, come to realize the importance of firearms, the pro 2A group will get larger and stronger. I'm also very religious, and believe God endowed Man with free will, and the pursuit of knowledge, which includes the sciences. Religion and Science are not mutually exclusive in my opinion. I agree with other poster in that we must reexamine our outsourcing of resources that should be deemed critical National Security resources, that gets produced here in the U.S. These include Pharmaceuticals, 5G technologies, among others. Hopefully our government will look into this, as this virus threat subsides. This will not be the last pandemic or other threats the country will experience in the future, and we must be better prepared to meet them.
Good Thread post benstt
I agree with both your points benstt. I've pointed out in other posts, that even if a small minority of new gun owners that bought during this pandemic, come to realize the importance of firearms, the pro 2A group will get larger and stronger. I'm also very religious, and believe God endowed Man with free will, and the pursuit of knowledge, which includes the sciences. Religion and Science are not mutually exclusive in my opinion. I agree with other poster in that we must reexamine our outsourcing of resources that should be deemed critical National Security resources, that gets produced here in the U.S. These include Pharmaceuticals, 5G technologies, among others. Hopefully our government will look into this, as this virus threat subsides. This will not be the last pandemic or other threats the country will experience in the future, and we must be better prepared to meet them.
Good Thread post benstt
I love it when we all agree on something!
My other hope is that the US & the West realizes that they need to bring the ability to manufacture medicine and medical equipment back home, vs. being given to one nation that has hostile intent, for the sake of saving some money.
I was thinking about just this yesterday when I went to the grocery store. As I was walking around getting what I needed I realized I was avoiding people. Now I know that’s what we are supposed to do it put me in sad place as I was always outgoing and liked to talk to people. On the flip side I have been in touch with my ex and sons more regularly and I find myself checking in on friends that I have. This situation is going to change everything on how we go about our daily lives in some ways negatively but I feel in the most part very positively. Yes we also need to establish a strong economy and that starts by putting Americans to work. This is a must make it happen and Trump is the man that will make it happen.
I also hope that folks will look more closely at where the things they buy are made.

I have nothing against Chinese people, but the Communist Chinese Party has been deflecting the blame for the origin of this virus outbreak from themselves to the US for a couple weeks now.

When things settle down, if you have a choice of paying a little more for an item made in the US or another country vs. China then think about it, and/or contact the company that is having their goods made in China to change were they get their product is produced.
How about this one: maybe it'll reduce the tribalism in our country. I think this is the kind of event that can remind everyone that we are all, at heart, Americans. We have our differences but we are in it together. We saw a bit of it with Congress cracking out the relief bill in no time with bipartisan support. Perhaps this is something that will slap both sides in the face and get us having real conversations again without the "I'm right, you're wrong" attitudes. I'm not laying any fault on any party or person here, because it's endemic at this point. Maybe we see it's time to get past the hard lines and rhetoric and be a unified country. Is that too optimistic?
I'm afraid it might be too optimistic. We're still seeing attempts to shut down 2A in the midst of all this, in a number of locations; Pelosi still tried to infuse the stimulus bill with a ton of pork, and ended up delaying the process for nearly a week; the press still slams our President and misquotes him and his staff every chance they get...I don't think the Left will ever learn. Nor will they change. They. Want. Power.


I hope I'm wrong...but sadly, I don't expect to be. Not on this.
I'm afraid it might be too optimistic. We're still seeing attempts to shut down 2A in the midst of all this, in a number of locations; Pelosi still tried to infuse the stimulus bill with a ton of pork, and ended up delaying the process for nearly a week; the press still slams our President and misquotes him and his staff every chance they get...I don't think the Left will ever learn. Nor will they change. They. Want. Power.


I hope I'm wrong...but sadly, I don't expect to be. Not on this.
Too bad. I'm really hoping we can all be better. Both sides are guilty and I hope both sides can relax a bit. It is too bad about the anti-2A stuff; I'm hoping the anti-2A masses that are suddenly buying guns will put some pressure on their sheriffs and legislators.
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