
Positives of COVID-19

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I have to agree about being to optimistic. When 9/11 happened , we as a country came together for a short while and then it was back to the same old grind again.

Sad but true.

I would like to be optimistic about the future but the past shows otherwise. Time will tell.
I definitely see a unison of the family units which is great and I definitely hope sticks around. One thing I’d love to see but doubt we will. I’d love to see the unification of the people. For to long the people have been divided and we all need to come together.
Where a crisis is concerned, Americans most generally have a six month memory.
After that it's a return to situation normal.
I do believe in the case of this Chinese Wuhan Virus the memory will be greatly shortened.
We do have an election to get back to and I think that two months past the Corona crisis
it will be long forgotten except of course that it's the POTUS's fault.

In our case the family has drifted apart due to the Wuhan. Younger work in med facilities and
us old farts can't have them around. Sad...…...
We’re retraining ourselves to cook more and obviously spend more time at home, and becoming comfortable about it, with less stress than before. From lower stress, to saving a lot of money, I think the new routines will be better for me and my wife.
Me too! I like driving my Jeep but I really like not buying much gas. I'm enjoying cooking at home more, too.
I definitely see a unison of the family units which is great and I definitely hope sticks around. One thing I’d love to see but doubt we will. I’d love to see the unification of the people. For to long the people have been divided and we all need to come together.
Hopefully whatever the duration of the pandemic might be, it is enough to retrain our brains to look for unity. People are adaptable, so maybe.
Where a crisis is concerned, Americans most generally have a six month memory.
After that it's a return to situation normal.
I do believe in the case of this Chinese Wuhan Virus the memory will be greatly shortened.
We do have an election to get back to and I think that two months past the Corona crisis
it will be long forgotten except of course that it's the POTUS's fault.

In our case the family has drifted apart due to the Wuhan. Younger work in med facilities and
us old farts can't have them around. Sad...…...
That is sad. Maybe not being able to see family will make them more interested once this thing is done?
I know a lot of people complaining they can't do this and they can't do that. Hopefully, they will come to appreciate more what they have (will have again) and be a bit more thankful for it.
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