
Post Your Funny Tee Shirts

I run a "I❤️🔫&:coffee:" group on Gab: gab.com/g/ilovegunsandcoffee

ILG+C T-Shirt.jpg

Here you go. My only T-shirt with a logo.

I don't like any type of clothing with logos because all it does (IME) is give random strangers a reason to start an unnecessary conversation with me.

I think I've said this before but I worked in a Factory a long time ago. It wasn't heated really in the winter so I wore a hoodie to work one day that said Dallas Cowboys on it.

I don't give a damn about the Dallas Cowboys. I was a sheet metal fabricator, my work clothes only lasted a month or so be fore they were shredded.

I was wearing the hoodie because I was trying to stay warm. but there was a guy that worked in a different department from me who found reasons to come into my work area all day long and every time he did he yelled "Cowboys Suck!!"

I don't need that kind of hassle in my life. So I wear plain clothes
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Here you go. My only T-shirt with a logo.

I don't like any type of clothing with logos because all it does (IME) is give random strangers a reason to start an unnecessary conversation with me.

I think I've said this before but I worked in a Factory a long time ago. It wasn't heated really in the winter so I wore a hoodie to work one day that said Dallas Cowboys on it.

I don't give a damn about the Dallas Cowboys. I was a sheet metal fabricator, my work clothes only lasted a month or so be fore they were shredded.

I was wearing the hoodie because I was trying to stay warm. but there was a guy that worked in a different department from me who found reasons to come into my work area all day long and every time he did he yelled "Cowboys Suck!!"

I don't need that kind of hassle in my life. So I wear plain clothes