
Potent Potables (aka What’s your poison?)


Had to take a day off for a doc’s appt, get the new hip greased (amazing what they can do with zerks these days).

Figured I’d get some neck oil as well.

Bell’s Double Hearted…
Just had a pair of Guinness ES after finishing the deck. Well, almost. I still gotta put stringers and stairs all the way around it and she's saying now I need to build a roof over it. :(


It's awesome as it sits. Depends how much sun/heat you get there. Our deck faces south and we get direct sun all day long, with no shade. We are thinking of building a pergola type thing for some shade, but not to totally obliterate the sunlight. It gets ungodly hot on that deck sometimes, so much so that we can't sit outside midday.
It looks like you may get some shade from those trees.
It's been a nasty week. It's my "Friday", but I have to work mandatory overtime :mad:. On a positive note, I can treat myself with this...
(it's great BTW)

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Yes ma'am, yes ma'am ... for us average folks, that's about as good as it gets. I've been a "Old #7" fan for most of my drinking years, but after trying that Buffalo Trace I'm almost a convert. I keep a jug of each at the front of the bar now and it's always a real contest as to which I'll pour on any given evening!!!