The OP elected to take a guaranteed safe solution to his concerns. Rightfully so. But it would have been interesting if the questions TEXASforLife asked where answered. Since he is using Lyman data, it implies that a cast bullet is being used. Checking the Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook 3rd edition, data for a 124 gn cast bullet is not given. The bullet weights above and below 124 gn does not have TiteGroup data. The 4th Edition has data for a RCBS mold 124 gn bullet and TiteGroup data. The given TiteGroup start/max is 3.4gn-3.8 gn with a COAL of 1.050".
Just for kicks, I ran the bullet length and COAL data for the RCBS bullet through QuickLoad with a 4.5 gn TiteGroup charge. 9MM SAAMI pressure is 35,000 psi. The 4.5 gn charge is projected to produce 52,608 psi.
Not knowing all the actual data, this projection could go up or down somewhat. But I don't think any changes would reduce the projected chamber pressure below 35,000 psi. A wise move by the OP.