Out of all your firearms, which one is your favorite and why? Is it the grip, the sights, asthetics? Is it the one you shoot all the time? Or is it a collector's item firearm that just sits in the safe?
Having confidence in what you are using to defend your life with is definitely a piece of mind.I'll have to say my XD S. My reasoning is simple: it's my carry weapon, and it's always with me and ready to rock. I've never had more confidence in any of my other pistols.
Accuracy and dependability: truly "the meat in our meal."Mine is my XDm .40 5.25 that I conceal carry in my Comp-Tac CTAC IWB holster. It's super accurate.
Favorite, emotionally? Dad's 1952 Colt 4" Official Police .38 revolver that he carried, 4 campaigns in Korea (USN-Ret). 98% finish, handcarved and monogrammed ivory grips, numbers matching, and completely accurate at the range. Ran about 50 through it at the range last week, on the anniversary of his passing 4 years ago. Everyone who sees it, oohs and aaaahs about it. The 'smith at another local range nearly didn't give it back after he fired 6 through it! Original Colt box, original Colt owners pamphlet, and the original business card from the shop who made the grips in Korea.
Pure beauty! Thanks for sharing.
I guess I have one of those too...