
Pride and Joy?

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Out of all your firearms, which one is your favorite and why? Is it the grip, the sights, asthetics? Is it the one you shoot all the time? Or is it a collector's item firearm that just sits in the safe?
Mine would have to be my Glock 23 Gen4. Why? Because there are a multitude of third party available to make it better than factory and more versatile. I have reworked the trigger so it is the smoothest of everything I own.
I have conversions for 9mm and 357SIG. I love the pyramid sights. For the longest time it was my EDC in
the 357SIG configuration. Then Glock had a special offer for Vets and I ordered a Glock 32 and it is now my
EDC. When teaching a new shooter the 23 is great as I can quickly have them experience 3 different rounds in the same frame which gives a great recoil comparison.

All that said does not mean I don't put hundreds of rounds through my SA 1911, Judges, Rugers and the rest each month.
"Which child is your favorite?"

How does THAT go over at the dinner table?? Different tools for different jobs.

I, like above, love my XDs for EDC. Love it, trust it, shoot well with it. Consistently. Easy to shoot, easy to carry, easy to maintain/strip/clean.

Favorite, emotionally? Dad's 1952 Colt 4" Official Police .38 revolver that he carried, 4 campaigns in Korea (USN-Ret). 98% finish, handcarved and monogrammed ivory grips, numbers matching, and completely accurate at the range. Ran about 50 through it at the range last week, on the anniversary of his passing 4 years ago. Everyone who sees it, oohs and aaaahs about it. The 'smith at another local range nearly didn't give it back after he fired 6 through it! Original Colt box, original Colt owners pamphlet, and the original business card from the shop who made the grips in Korea.
Favorite, emotionally? Dad's 1952 Colt 4" Official Police .38 revolver that he carried, 4 campaigns in Korea (USN-Ret). 98% finish, handcarved and monogrammed ivory grips, numbers matching, and completely accurate at the range. Ran about 50 through it at the range last week, on the anniversary of his passing 4 years ago. Everyone who sees it, oohs and aaaahs about it. The 'smith at another local range nearly didn't give it back after he fired 6 through it! Original Colt box, original Colt owners pamphlet, and the original business card from the shop who made the grips in Korea.

That's a treasure! 😍
nostalgia for me. I have several Saint rifles and enjoy them, but my pride and joy for memories are 3 guns.

Sig 228 - my first ever pistol purchase and my everyday carry still

1970 Weatherby Mark V Walnut .270 Mag- dads deer rifle handed down to me

DSA SA58 (FN FAL) given to me by a great friend to slay hogs as he thought I’d get more use than he ever did from it.

All bring huge smile to my face every time I shoot them
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