Great article. I'm a big fan of snub nosed revolvers. I've owned S&Ws, Rugers, Charter Arms, Taurus.
I currently own a S&W 638 Airweight Bodyguard that is one of my favorite firearms of all time. I changed the stock boot grips to bigger Hogue ones.
When I lived in Arkansas(North Little Rock area near the Faulkner County line) poisonous snakes were common because of the creeks and such. I never stepped out of my house without muck boots and my 638.
Now that I'm back home in South Texas the 638 is handy to carry on walks. Plus some of my female relatives like it because it's light and simple to use. I like them well enough to let them handle and shoot it, not enough to let them have it...
I have been looking at Taurus 856 spurless snubbies. I think I would get a 3 inch version because I wish my Bodyguard had a longer barrel.
I'll be 65 soon, God willing. Snub nosed revolvers are so much easier to use than most semi-autos, even though a S&W EZ is pretty close in ease of use(I keep hearing good things about Ruger EC9s, so I'm going to handle one of those one of these days...
I also like how well 38 CCI snake shot works in my short barreled revolver. Most times one shot did the trick but I have encountered some pretty big aggressive Water Moccasin snakes that required 2 shots.
As a martial arts instructor and student, I like the simplicity of a snub nosed revolver. It's a good compliment to a knife for self-defense.