
Probably could use a filter.

Really freak them out and build one of these:

this is funny

my neighbor put up a 6 foot fence because she did not like my HUGE free mulch pile i got from the power company
i laughed at her...our whole street takes advantage of our free mulch pile once a year....she asked what is mulch for?? after i gave her the deer in headlight look...i stated its to help keep soil moist around plants.
plus she does not like me


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    sep driveway ext (6).jpg
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Before I built a wall I’d ask to know
What I was walling in or walling out,
And to whom I was like to give offense.
Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
That wants it down. Robert Frost
well Robert Frost be damed.

i own property and if it's with-in city, town, building code to do as i wish, then i will.

good ole "Bobby" most likely didn't have the neighbors many of us do.

in the near future, i can "see" many building concrete walls with gunners towers.