
Pros and Cons of a Backup Gun

I have, on occasion, carried a j-frame in my front pocket in a holster in addition to my usual Glock IWB. I took the j-frame out after going to the range and discovering I could not hit the broadside of a barn with it. It was comforting in the pocket, but not after reality set in. I am now looking for another, smaller 9mm semi auto to do pocket duty. I don't want to carry a 2nd gun everyday, but sometimes I talk myself into it.

When you study gunfights, we learn that people tend to focus on the threat. To most people, the threat is the gun which is why the firearm/arm/hand so frequently take a hit. You also see this in matches or fun houses when there are shoot/no shoot targets. Hits are frequently recorded in the area of the gun. With this in mind, a second gun easily accessed by your non-dominant hand might be a good idea. It is also a potential force multiplier if the person you are with can operate a firearm but they are not carrying one. (they should be, but we can't always control that)