
Public Health Emergency Authority Act


here they go again, but with more concrete efforts to codify the few "rulers" power and concentrate it. The Bill of Rights was made to limit powers of Government.

links provided:
https://www.theblaze.com/columns/op...-governors-into-tyrants-no-legislature-needed brief opinion outline on Blaze

https://aspr.hhs.gov/legal/PHE/Pages/phe-qa.aspx HHS link

Uniform Laws Org behind this push
here they go again, but with more concrete efforts to codify the few "rulers" power and concentrate it. The Bill of Rights was made to limit powers of Government.

links provided:
https://www.theblaze.com/columns/op...-governors-into-tyrants-no-legislature-needed brief opinion outline on Blaze

https://aspr.hhs.gov/legal/PHE/Pages/phe-qa.aspx HHS link

Uniform Laws Org behind this push
Oh that'll fly. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Their plan is quite simple - the Fed gov passes a law to put all the power (which they don't have the right to do), delegated by them (HHS secretary), into the State Governors hands (which Govs don't have the right to), totally usurping the state legislatures, and boom, no more US nor states constitution. Statist (socialist/communist takeover) under the guise of "safety and security", as we were warned of centuries ago by wise people.
So who has this bill been introduced to?
I bet the answer is "nobody." Interest groups suggest bills all the time, but until a legislator files one, they're not even worth reading. Sometimes advocacy organizations write them just for fundraising, already knowing they're not going anywhere. And sometimes other advocacy organizations oppose these non-bills just for fundraising.

You can treat the bills written by the NRA and USCCA the same. Until some elected legislator files one, they're just an art project.

Don't we have real disagreements to argue about? 😄