When my wife asks me, "When will you enough guns!?!?", I reply, "When I have all of them."
Buy it. Just not at a rate that draws ATF attention...ahem. Cheers.
I always tell her " Just one more".
When my wife asks me, "When will you enough guns!?!?", I reply, "When I have all of them."
Buy it. Just not at a rate that draws ATF attention...ahem. Cheers.
Welcome back.I am the kind of person to focus my efforts in a rather narrow fashion. I am not a collector or someone who is into guns as a hobby. They are simply tools of self defense for me and I cant imagine that I need all sorts of calibers. I am pretty much a one caliber one gun kind of guy. That is (if) you dont count the mouse gun I carry as a last ditch back up. I will buy a duplicate of the gun I prefer and simply check DONE and move on.
In all honesty.. my 1 gun plus a dupe has changed over the many decades and since I dont get rid of guns, I have a couple that reside in the safe. As far as purposefully seeking additional calibers or there being any need of such and endeavour... I dont see it.
Personally, I standardized on 9mm for handguns. It’s a military and police de facto standard, and if any ammo is available, it will be 9mm.Diversity--within reason--is a virtue in caliber/ammo selection. In times of ammo famine, you might not be able to find ammo for one thing, but find that it's easily available (relatively speaking) for another.
I’m going to cop your response to your wife and use it myself. Folks who don’t suffer from this addiction, just don’t have a clue…If you have the money, who cares what we think?
I don't care what anyone says, 40S&W was available (almost) anywhere near me throughout the ammo shortage (albeit at criminal prices).
When my wife asks me, "When will you enough guns!?!?", I reply, "When I have all of them."
Buy it. Just not at a rate that draws ATF attention...ahem. Cheers.
Okay, so if you don’t mind, I’d like to chime in here and give you my tenured (73 years of life, 63 years of guns) thoughts. If you’re curious about the 40 S&W XDM subcompact pursue it, life is short and meant to be enjoyed within the limits of reason and finances. But, some things to think about… The 40 cal is snappy in polyguns and more difficult to manage during multiple shot stings. This characteristic is amplified in smaller framed configurations. So, how sensitive are you to recoil? And, if you intend to carry it, how much/often can you afford to practice with it? If you are recoil sensitive, you will need to spend significant amounts of time (and $) on the range with it to acclimate to it propensity to attempt escaping from your grasp, and to become accomplished in managing it with alacrity. That said, I like the 40 S&W! It is a good cartridge. It is not for the neophyte in my opinion. I hunt and recreate with one quite a lot. I also am enamored with the fact, as some have pointed out, that this cartridge has fallen on hard times and as its popularity declines, the accessibility to its ammo and quality firearms that it consumes (both new and used) tend to appear with more frequency and at more affordable prices than ever before. I’m on board, but you’ll need to make that decision for yourself…good luck to you!I currently have three 9mm pistols (Hellcat Pro, XD Subcompact, and XD 4-inch), an XDS 45, 1911 45 acp, two 38 revolvers (wife carries one), and a 357 magnum.
I have an opportunity to buy an XD Subcompact 40 and am wondering if I should add another caliber.....thereby requiring more/different ammo. I think it would be a good add to the collection and might make its way into my carry rotation.
What are your thoughts on having several different calibers?