
Question on XDM Elite grip safety

Well I am not sure exactly what happened. I am just trying to go back in time and remove the last "mod" that was performed to see if the grip safety works again. That way we can narrow things down. The next step would be to check the grip safety pin, but tapping on that could bend your grip safety spring, so we don't want to mess with that unless we have to. And if we do I can have a phone conversation and give warnings to not do further damage. It could be as simple as putting pressure on the GS pin and reseat it. In theory any XD with the Grip safety could get a stick or sticky or limp grip safety. Different things cause the symptoms. For example a grip safety that is limp means a broken spring. A sticky GS could mean something is stick in the works or the pin is unseated.
I was wiped when we were posting this, so I am going to do this today and I'll let y'all know what happens
Okay, so it’s in pieces again, and just for the record, it was a beast to separate the magwell from the gun, both times. I don’t know if that is normal for this gun or not as I have nothing to compare it to. I am not a weakling female, but my hands are small, so probably weaker than a guy’s.

This time the little pin in the magwell came completely out. I’m wondering if that thing got turned around and blocked something in there causing the grip safety issue.
Okay, so I just got off a FaceTime call with xdman and we went through a few tests with it. It turns out that there is something wrong with the gun, nothing I did. 😎
So he is helping me get it back to Springfield and get it fixed. Thanks for your replies and guidance. 😊
I decided to just continue this thread. Just got an email from Springfield and they have just shipped my XDM Elite back to me. The invoice states that they did an inspection, reassembled and test fired it with no issues. That is all the information given. It is due to arrive at my house on Monday. I am looking forward to firing it myself, because I haven't had the chance yet. Next week's range day will be interesting!