
Rain all day for the first time this year



Well, it finally did it here. It rained all day, still raining now and maybe into the evening until 10pm. This is the first time this has happened this year. We really need the water. I cut grass and put down some fertilizer last night so it worked out great for that. I use a mild organic fertilizer so no burning! The fall is a great time here in the desert. Warm days and cool nights. Maybe a little snow the first part of December. Back yard should recover nicely and look great until it goes dormant for the winter. It has been in the 70's here all day and looking for the cooling weather. Hope everybody here has started to cool off. News says we we have gotten 1.35 inches so far!
Well, it finally did it here. It rained all day, still raining now and maybe into the evening until 10pm. This is the first time this has happened this year. We really need the water. I cut grass and put down some fertilizer last night so it worked out great for that. I use a mild organic fertilizer so no burning! The fall is a great time here in the desert. Warm days and cool nights. Maybe a little snow the first part of December. Back yard should recover nicely and look great until it goes dormant for the winter. It has been in the 70's here all day and looking for the cooling weather. Hope everybody here has started to cool off. News says we we have gotten 1.35 inches so far!
where do you live
we are east texas and had good rain....right up until aug 1st

now its crickets
please send rain here
Here in west central Illinois we are in a drought, haven't had a good rain in months. 97° today heat index 117°. Tomorrow temp 100° heat index +120°
we here on the east coast, have gotten so much rain since winter, i think we could fill the Grand Canyon up to the very top, and still have enough spill over to make oceans outta Saudi Arabia.

i'll gladly ask the weathermen here to re-route this fridays rain over to y'all.......

my garden, and friends gardens, even the many farms out here, have suffered from drowned vegetables....

just like you will see high(er) food prices, for the lack of rain, so will we.......for getting way too much of it.
And all this has what to do with shooting???
Are you going to go shoot in all day rain or 100+ heat ..

Oh, btw ….
Nothing beats a good thunderstorm to add au naturel nitrogen boost to a lawn.

That organic fertilizer is a good in-between addition. I‘ll use Menards branded organic made from sewer sludge rated about 2% N if there’s been to much wash out from storms after my regular slow release applications of 28-2-0.

My problem with keeping a healthy good looking cool season lawn grass is that the more I try keep the soil amended, the more bugs, grubs and worms love it - and that invites scrounging raccoon, skunk and possum.