It's still fun until brass hits you in the mouth, nose and eyes. It ejects straight back.The best I remember, the DE was only fun for a little while!!! LOL!
It's still fun until brass hits you in the mouth, nose and eyes. It ejects straight back.The best I remember, the DE was only fun for a little while!!! LOL!
With a red dot?What am I misunderstanding here ... aim at the waist to hit the head???? What is your site in range I guess is my first question to force that much hold 'under'. Am I missing something, or just stupid? Everything I've got in handguns would almost have to be held on the head to hit the waist IIRC. I know it must be something simple that I'm overlooking, but I just don't see it. Help me!
My EDC is sighted at 10yds, which puts it within a small fraction at 50yds (-.09") and almost -8" at 100yds.
IIRC my RDS is .75 (maybe a tad more) above the bore on my Hellcat. And unless I'm really confused tonight (and that's highly possible ... any night) when I'm on at 10 yds I should be just a tad low at 50 yds, about -.09". Follow that on out with velocity of about 1150fps at the muzzle, and POI is about 7.7" low A 100yds. At least that's what my calculator is saying. What am I doing wrong?With a red dot?
I typically zero my edc handguns at 15 yds, but my range guns at 25yds.
With a red dot zeroed on a handgun at 10 yds with an app, 1.3 inches from red dot center to bore axis, at 25yds your rounds will hit 2 + inches above the bull. As you continue out to 50+ yds that offset will continue to grow significantly until the distance at which the bullet starts to drop, which as you know varies based on bullet weight, power factor etc. to
Hit the target at 50 or 100 yds you will have to drop your POA significantly to make the POI you intend.
An Official Journal Of The NRA | Best Distance to Zero a Pistol-Mounted Red Dot
With the explosion in popularity of pistol-mounted red-dot sights, deciding what distance at which to zero has become a pressing issue.www.shootingillustrated.com
The link in Simon’s post explains it pretty well. Think about using an optic on an AR and how the arc of the bullet will put you on target at two distances along the bullets path. So a 50 yard zero will have you on target, in theory, at 50 and again at 200 as the bullet is dropping. In between those distances your POI will be high. So at 100 yards you would aim about 1” low with a 50 yard zero. It’s the same with a red dot on a handgun, the difference being the distances will be closer.IIRC my RDS is .75 (maybe a tad more) above the bore on my Hellcat. And unless I'm really confused tonight (and that's highly possible ... any night) when I'm on at 10 yds I should be just a tad low at 50 yds, about -.09". Follow that on out with velocity of about 1150fps at the muzzle, and POI is about 7.7" low A 100yds. At least that's what my calculator is saying. What am I doing wrong?
I think that's my point. In my calculations (.75" sight height, 1124fps, BC .149, and bullet wt 124gr) I'm on target 2 times ... @ 10yds and again @ 50yds. The only distance my poi is above my los is between 10 and 50 yds. Every step beyond 50 yds my poi is low (below poa), at 100yds my poi is 3" below poa. So from 50yds to 100yds I would have to hold high over whatever my intended poi is. If I wanted a poi at 100 yds to be the head, I'd have to hold 3" high to hit it, right? Now all this is predicated on my recalling they were playing out to 100 yds, right?The link in Simon’s post explains it pretty well. Think about using an optic on an AR and how the arc of the bullet will put you on target at two distances along the bullets path. So a 50 yard zero will have you on target, in theory, at 50 and again at 200 as the bullet is dropping. In between those distances your POI will be high. So at 100 yards you would aim about 1” low with a 50 yard zero. It’s the same with a red dot on a handgun, the difference being the distances will be closer.
I think we’re saying the same thing. The comment about waist and head was clearly tinged with sarcasm, not science. At 50 yds you would be holding under fairly significantly particularly if zeroed at 10 yds. According to trajectory calculations the bullet is going to drop after 50 so at 100 you would hold over, but my own experience tells me that often a 9mm seems to climbing at 100 yds.As I recall they were talking about shooting out to 100yds with handguns. The same thing applies as you've described here, but at shorter ranges. In my case, I theoretically would be on target @ 10yds as the bullet is climbing and again @ 50yds as it drops below my los. If my intended target was in between 10yds and 50yds then I would have to hold low to make my poi where I wanted it ............................ I think! Y'all are messin' with my head now! LOL!
Boy, don't I wish! I think we're both saying the same thing too. I went back to where all this started and it seems you guys were talking about a DE sighted in at 100yds ... one of you mentioned it was dead on. And then apparently you were saying to hit the head at 50yds, one would have to hold at the waist. I would agree holding low is the answer, but from the waist to the head using a DE sounded like a bit much to me. So for one to not know where the bullet was at 50yds makes sense, but one would know it would be high at 50. How much is the question but from the waist to the head still seems like a lot to me. So yeh, I can see a little sarcasm in the works there now. Duhhh! LOLI think we’re saying the same thing. The comment about waist and head was clearly tinged with sarcasm, not science. At 50 yds you would be holding under fairly significantly particularly if zeroed at 10 yds. According to trajectory calculations the bullet is going to drop after 50 so at 100 you would hold over, but my own experience tells me that often a 9mm seems to climbing at 100 yds.
Let’s go to the range and settle it! I’ve got my stuff packed. What time are you coming over?
When I was at an indoor range shooting on the pistol side that had 100 yard capabilities is where I tried it. The pistol was designed for 100 yard engagements for Israeli border patrols. 300gr @ 1,475fps. Sight design was for this @ 100 yards. When shooting 50 I was aiming for head shots, which must've been hitting the ceiling? So, I started aiming at the waist when head shots started to appear.............moved to 100 yards and lined up sights directed at the head and it was spot on. This was with the 6" barrel and the 10" makes 150 yards easy up to 10-15mph crosswinds without big corrections. I don't think pistols with their way shorter barrels quite have the same pbr as rifles do..........you know the as it goes up and comes down giving 2 ranges with 1 poi (excluding scopes, not red dots).Boy, don't I wish! I think we're both saying the same thing too. I went back to where all this started and it seems you guys were talking about a DE sighted in at 100yds ... one of you mentioned it was dead on. And then apparently you were saying to hit the head at 50yds, one would have to hold at the waist. I would agree holding low is the answer, but from the waist to the head using a DE sounded like a bit much to me. So for one to not know where the bullet was at 50yds makes sense, but one would know it would be high at 50. How much is the question but from the waist to the head still seems like a lot to me. So yeh, I can see a little sarcasm in the works there now. Duhhh! LOLWe're all good!
I just did a quick calc using a .50cal 240gr with sight height 1.3" and it said that at 50 yds poi would be almost 4" high. I have no idea if those numbers are even close, I just have to throw some numbers in the blanks of the app won't calculate.
Leave the math to the eggheads. I was shooting a steel silouhette at 100 yards a few weeks ago with a VP9SK. The normal sized one. I aimed at the center of it and was hitting it every time. Trying to be more accurate than that at 100 yards with a 3-ish inch 9mm offhand is a monumental waste of time.Boy, don't I wish! I think we're both saying the same thing too. I went back to where all this started and it seems you guys were talking about a DE sighted in at 100yds ... one of you mentioned it was dead on. And then apparently you were saying to hit the head at 50yds, one would have to hold at the waist. I would agree holding low is the answer, but from the waist to the head using a DE sounded like a bit much to me. So for one to not know where the bullet was at 50yds makes sense, but one would know it would be high at 50. How much is the question but from the waist to the head still seems like a lot to me. So yeh, I can see a little sarcasm in the works there now. Duhhh! LOLWe're all good!
I just did a quick calc using a .50cal 240gr with sight height 1.3" and it said that at 50 yds poi would be almost 4" high. I have no idea if those numbers are even close, I just have to throw some numbers in the blanks of the app won't calculate.