
Range Report - 9/29/24 Echelon's Maiden Voyage

Now I know why I haven't gone down that rabbit hole.
I think that possibly the groups being wide may be a result of you trying too hard to keep that little dot still. Next time you are out shooting, line up your gun using the iron sights. If when you have your sight picture correct, the dot is sitting on the tip of your front sight, it's probably not the dot because you are most likely zero'ed, assuming the irons are on.

Holding that dot perfectly still for long is an exercise in futility and trying is going to lead to larger groups. A dot will bring your flawed fundamentals front and center.
After you are reasonably convinced your dot is probably zero'ed and it's user error, start again. Concentrate on fundamentals. Trigger press and follow through are really important. Relax and go slow. You will see, it will get to the point where you know before you see where the shot landed if it was a good shot or not. Now you got it on the run. You get your shite straight, put the dot on the target and press the button. Don't hesitate. :)
Learned many years ago to embrace my arc of movement. Unless you're perfectly stable the front sight or dot is going to dance around your aiming point. Holding too long or trying to break the shot when your sight picture is perfect is the not the way to go. Have to admit my arc of movement has increased with age but still able to shoot pretty good groups. For zeroing sights or dots use bullseye targets. Switch to IDPA type targets to train for combat accuracy where arc of movement is less of an issue.
You went to the range, shot and had fun. That's more than most people can say. I honestly shoot about the same with the irons as I do the optic, and I find the optic bulkier to carry. So, I just shoot with irons and save the optics for my home/range guns.
I don't know if you have sound deadening/electric ear pro, but it sure does cut down on the sound those long guns make.