
Range Report: Drill Baby, Drill! 12/18/24


Hey gang!

Yes, I did it again. I went to the range for more "me" time. Mrs. BassCliff was Christmas shopping after her Pilates class, so what's a poor bass player to do? I got my favorite lane at the newer facility, lucky #7. It was busy this afternoon, all but one lane was taken when I arrived.


Shame on me for not cleaning these guns since last time. So I just brought them again to get them dirtier. I'll clean them this week, I promise.


You see the VP9, XD9 Mod.3, and XD45 Tactical along with S&B 124 grain and LAX 230 grain. I like practicing at 10 yards most of the time, which I did this whole session.


I started the session with 50 rounds through the VP9. Even though the range was busy, I tried a cold 10-10-10 drill. You can tell I'm out of practice on this drill. I know the timer says 12 shots but that's because of the other traffic in the room. I'm pretty sure that was my time.


I taped on another B-8 center and ran the same drill without the timer. I know I was under 10 seconds and my accuracy was a little better the second time.


It's been a while since I've done any single hand shooting. This target reflects my strong hand only.


Yep, that needs more practice. Let's try a string with my weak hand only.


Oh boy! That really needs some work. Two of my shots didn't even make it on the B-8. Yick. OK, for this last string I'm going to get serious.


Well, that's pretty average. Now let's put 50 rounds through the XD9.3 with optic. This first string was rapid fire, less than a second between shots.


Not a bad group, I guess. Just low. Now let's pull out a target I haven't used in a while.


Not terrible, just two hits outside the 6" circle with six hits inside the 3" circle. Let's try another one of those.


Yep, I pulled a "Cliff". When I do pretty well on one target, I get cocky on the next. Let's put up another reactive target and try to pay attention. I'll put 20 rounds through this one.


Drat. I let one get outside the 8" circle. I know I can do better if I really slow down but I was trying to keep up the pace, about one second between shots. Next I'll work with the XD45 and some Failure To Stop drills. Here's the first one, not timed, but shot at speed.


That's not too bad. Here's FTS #2.


OK, I got a lung and an ear lobe on that one. Here's FTS #3. I was able to time this one.


I guess I would've done some damage. Now I'm going to put 11 hits on the head, mag change, then 10 hits on the high center chest.


That hit above the lung is actually a flyer from the head. Oops. I guess I've pretty much take his ear off too. :LOL:

OK, two more magazines left. Let's use the small 4" reactive circles and try to "aim small, miss small".


I slowed down just a little but still had a couple get away from me on the head shots. I really like this XD45 Mod.2 Tactical. I think I'd put it into my carry rotation if I can get a holster for it.

As I was packing up to leave I told these guys they were having say too much fun. They had brought a couple of full-auto rifles and were blasting away, giggling like school boys. I wanted to join in the fun, and I'm sure they would've let me, but didn't want to be rude.


And that was all the fun I had today. I'll make it a point to practice more single hand drills. It's a good skill to have. Now I just gotta find the time to clean these three filthy pistols. I'm not going to shoot any others until these are ****-n-span. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,
