
Range Report: VP9 & Echelon 4.5 Head-To-Head, 3/5/25


Hey gang,

I'm back again with a brand new show, full of excellent mediocrity and superior solecisms. For this range trip we will compare, head to head, one of my carry guns, the H&K VP9 (with freshly upgraded sights) and my newest SA Echelon 4.5F Comp. We begin this comparison on a nice spring afternoon here in Wisconsin.


I travel two exits down the interstate to the newer facility and procure my favorite lane, #4.


The plan today is to shoot 75 rounds of Blazer Brass 124 grain through both pistols. I'll shoot 10-shot strings on five B-8 targets with each, then add the scores. We'll end the session with a couple of reactive silhouettes at 15 yards and put 25 rounds on each.


I hope you don't mind that I use a B-8 center with a yellow dot in the 'X' ring. It helps these old eyes focus a little better. I'll tape this center on the B-8 and send it out to 30 feet. I flipped a coin before I arrived and the VP9 won the toss. I'll shoot it first, then alternate between the two.


For round 1, starting with the VP9 and its new tritium Speed Sights (the first time I've shot this since the new sights were installed), it came back with a score of 93. I threw one low right, riding the reset too tightly.


Here's target #1 with the Echelon. It came back with a score of 85. I'm still getting used to the sight picture and hold for this pistol.


Target #2 with the VP9, score of 95.


Target #2 with the E4.5, score of 92.


Target #3 with the VP9, score of 97.


Target #3 with the E4.5, score of 84.


Target #4 with the VP9, score of 94.


Target #4 with the E4.5, score of 77. Let's get it together Cliff!


Here we go, the final round on the B-8 portion of our head-to-head marksmanship comparison. (I use the term "marksmanship" loosely.) Target #5 with the VP9, score of 96.


OK, let's see if I can turn around with the newest pistol in the safe. Here's target #5 with the Echelon 4.5F Comp, score of 95. (It's 96 if you give me a line break.)


OK, let's add up the scores.

PistolH&K VP9SA Echelon 4.5F Comp
String 19385
String 29592
String 39784
String 49477
String 59695

Then, for the finale I put 25 rounds on a couple of 12x18 reactive silhouettes at 15 yards.


Here's the first using the VP9.


Here is the second 25 rounds using the E4.5.


How about a side-by-side comparison?


OK, here's my takeaways:

I really like the new Speed Sights on the VP9. I seem to be getting pretty consistent after only a few magazines using the new sights. In the darkness these sights are really bright as well. I know they'll start to fade after a few years (10 years?) but for now they really help these old eyes.

The Echelon also has a tritium front sight but the rear U-notch is taking some getting used to. I think I finally figured out my hold with that last B-8 center. I'm looking forward to our next practice session.

Comparing those last two silhouettes, it seems the Echelon had an overall tighter group (not that either group was all that "tight") but the VP9 group was more centered. The Echelon's group was a little left. Maybe that's my hold, maybe that's just my trigger press pull the muzzle. I'll work on it. Maybe I'll think about Speed Sights for the Echelon, if they're available.

I have an advanced defensive pistol class next week. I haven't decided which pistol to use. I don't know if I'll want to carry the E4.5, but it could be fun. I'll let you know.

Before I go, I must clean up after myself.


As I make my way home, I'm reminded that Spring sometimes comes and goes here in the Wild Wild Upper Midwest.


I'll see y'all again real soon. Thanks for being kind, or mean, whatever. You're a good hang.

Thank you for your indulgence,

No surprise that the VP9 is the winner. I don’t think there is another striker fired gun that has the ergonomics of the VP9. You can have a better trigger (so they tell me, but I call bs) you can have lower recoil, etc, but when you have superior ergonomics like the VP9 it just makes you feel like kicking ass and taking names.

The cleaning up after the range session is my favorite part. There’s something very zen about it. Or maybe it’s a lifetime of playing hockey that get’s my juices going. I know the RO doesn’t like when I run him into the boards. 😎🏒🥅

...I know the RO doesn’t like when I run him into the boards. 😎🏒🥅

That's pretty funny right there. :LOL:

I'm sure I'll continue to improve with both of these pistols. I like to think that I'm a little better with the longer barrels, but that wasn't really the case today. I'll try it again after a couple more practice sessions.

Maybe I should get the 5" VP9? Hmmm. 🤔

Thank you for your indulgence,

Good shootin agent, you definitely are better with that German gun over that Croatian gun. now if'n you had an American made gun, you know kinda like a HY Point, you could probably hit them centers every time. 😁 i'm pretty sure that's how @KillerFord1977 and @SimonRL get them one ragged holes. they just don't want to show us the real gun used. But still all dead bad guys again.
i would like to see the average score + standard deviation for the 5 strings for each pistol in a bar graph. too many numbers in table form and the average+SD will provide a better picture of string-to-string variability. the HK is obviously the winner, but you can really drive that point home.
i have taken the liberty to crunch the numbers.

avg scores +/- SD are as follows:
H&K = 95 +/-2
SA = 87 +/- 7

ps- i'm a data junkie. it's part of what i do.

Hi guys,

This was a fun comparison. I've had the VP9 longer so it's more familiar, plus I love the new Speed Sights. The grip angle on the Echelon is a little different and I'm not quite used to it yet. I'm sure both will get better. I hope. :p

Even if you missed the target all together i'd still have to give you a like for being able to make them very long post with pictures without messin up.

Well, thanks. But I did mess up a little. You may have noticed that the Echelon target #2 was a repeat of the VP9 target. I did put up the proper score but I'll have to find the actual #2 target, just to keep everything kosher. ;)

Hey @mikep, thanks for crunching those numbers. I doubt I'll ever make a bar graph. I barely figured out how to insert that table. :LOL:

Thank you for your indulgence,

Hi guys,

This was a fun comparison. I've had the VP9 longer so it's more familiar, plus I love the new Speed Sights. The grip angle on the Echelon is a little different and I'm not quite used to it yet. I'm sure both will get better. I hope. :p

Well, thanks. But I did mess up a little. You may have noticed that the Echelon target #2 was a repeat of the VP9 target. I did put up the proper score but I'll have to find the actual #2 target, just to keep everything kosher. ;)

Hey @mikep, thanks for crunching those numbers. I doubt I'll ever make a bar graph. I barely figured out how to insert that table. :LOL:

Thank you for your indulgence,

i did it partly as a goof. i am, however, a data junkie.
didn't you get some rifles a while back? i guess you don't shoot them much?

i did it partly as a goof. i am, however, a data junkie.
didn't you get some rifles a while back? i guess you don't shoot them much?

Not much. I have a few basic long guns, a .22, AK-47, AR-15, a 9mm carbine, a 12ga, that's it. It's not a lot of fun shooting them indoors (25 yards) but I do occasionally on "big caliber" days. The pistol caliber rifles I can shoot any time but I always plan to take the bigger rifles when I visit an outdoor facility. The weather's starting to get better so I'll get outside soon.

Thank you for your indulgence,


Not much. I have a few basic long guns, a .22, AK-47, AR-15, a 9mm carbine, a 12ga, that's it. It's not a lot of fun shooting them indoors (25 yards) but I do occasionally on "big caliber" days. The pistol caliber rifles I can shoot any time but I always plan to take the bigger rifles when I visit an outdoor facility. The weather's starting to get better so I'll get outside soon.

Thank you for your indulgence,

You need a suppressed MP5. It can turn the moodiest of days into pure sunshine.
Great report as usual Cliff, and nice shooting. I am more familiar with my VP9 also, so it goes to the range more often than most. I love how my Echelon shoots, but it presses a bone in my hand with my grip and after a couple of magazines it bloody hurts. Something I have to work out. Looks like you did well with yours for its first time out. You'll be tightening those groupings in no time. 😊
Nice shooting and nice comparison. I see a pattern in your shooting and I think both guns shot very comparably. I'm also glad to see the Echelon held its own against the VP9. I hadn't seen anyone run that comparison yet. It seems like everyone always wants to compare anything and everything to the Glock...lol
My experience was just the opposite of yours in many ways. I had both the VP9 and a few PDPs and I honestly was never very impressed with the VP9. Yes, it was a great shooter, and very reliable, but I always felt it was just not for me. Then I tried the Echelon and it really clicked. I ended up selling the Vp9 and my few PDP's and bought a few more Echelons. Call me a fanboy, but I really am loving the new options the Echelon offers.
One thing I've learned over my years as a gun owner and avid shooter is that finding that perfect handgun is like finding a great pair of underwear, everyone likes them differently, some like them tight and snuggly while some like them loosie goosy. It's a very personal choice and what works great for me, may not work for you and vice-versa. I would recommend to anyone to try out comparable handguns like the VP9, PDP, Glock 19, Smith and Wesson 2.0 and Echelon and see what works best them.

Nice shooting and nice comparison. I see a pattern in your shooting and I think both guns shot very comparably. I'm also glad to see the Echelon held its own against the VP9. I hadn't seen anyone run that comparison yet. It seems like everyone always wants to compare anything and everything to the Glock...lol
My experience was just the opposite of yours in many ways. I had both the VP9 and a few PDPs and I honestly was never very impressed with the VP9. Yes, it was a great shooter, and very reliable, but I always felt it was just not for me. Then I tried the Echelon and it really clicked. I ended up selling the Vp9 and my few PDP's and bought a few more Echelons. Call me a fanboy, but I really am loving the new options the Echelon offers.
One thing I've learned over my years as a gun owner and avid shooter is that finding that perfect handgun is like finding a great pair of underwear, everyone likes them differently, some like them tight and snuggly while some like them loosie goosy. It's a very personal choice and what works great for me, may not work for you and vice-versa. I would recommend to anyone to try out comparable handguns like the VP9, PDP, Glock 19, Smith and Wesson 2.0 and Echelon and see what works best them.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I appreciate everyone who shares their experience and expertise.

My Echelon and I are still getting to know one another. I got the "gear up" freebies for it but I'm not sure if I'm going to install the free Hex Wasp red dot (green dot?) that came with the package. I suppose I could take it off if I don't like it. Maybe I'll try the Hex after I get more familiar with the iron sights. I'm still getting used to that rear U-notch. I do love taking the Echelon to the range. I haven't decided if it will be in my carry rotation.

I'm a bit of a Springfield and XD fanboy myself. I'm really starting to enjoy the XD9 Mod.3 and its optic, my first optic pistol. I've tried most of the units on your list and decided I'm not a Glock fan. Sorry.

TBH, I wouldn't read much into my little comparison here. All it shows us is which pistol better displays my lack of skill. :ROFLMAO: But I'm working on it.

Thank you for your indulgence,
