During the negotiation prior to IL House vote, they amended the 10 rnd mag cap Ban and increased it to 12 and kept FOID at 18. Big deal. But makes you wonder why. Which is the most prominent and magazine capacity for the EDC and who lobbied who to get this 2 round increase?
As this sort of stupidity continues or allowed to continue nationwide, I believe popular Manufacturers all offer 10 rounders (CA Compliant) options for modern era models that originally came with 10+ as standard and of course the aftermarket sector will design and offer an array magazine “limiters” to adapt the mag tube rather than spend $$ on new compliant mags.
The issue of older, obsolete firearm mags comes to mind - if this is the only handgun you own, will a ban become an Infringement ?
Keep in mind of the local jurisdiction. Some counties already said they will not enforce these laws.
And if you don’t know, there is no exact charge of “high cap magazine”…its called Unlawful Use of Firearm. Anyone (employer/school seeing that on your record will not only flag you but condemn your character. That’s all part of the anti-gun design.
Also, the use of a magazine “limiter” may or may not satisfy zealous prosecutors because magazine tubes are marked otherwise.…so again, it’s dependent on your locale.
The IL Ban wants you to register your Ban items in order to have them grandfathered in
and Pol says “we’re not confiscating guns”. Yeah right, Be advised - Grandfathering is not forever, it’s not next-of-kin transferable and therefore by statute must be turned in or removed from the State.
Threats of long term imprisonment - and that’s for mere possession of an otherwise lawfully carried pistol (not actually firing it for any reason) but expectation of big legal bills and hefty fines are more likely to be demanded from the law abiding and maybe if lucky a stern warning with some quick plea deal.
Buy one 10 (or 12) round mag for EDC might be ok and reasonable for some, but this gimmick of mag limits is not revealing the entire picture.
Your elected officials took an oath to protect the US Constitution and that includes both 2nd and 4th Amendment and no State law can supersede. Try finding an attorney to argue this for an individual citizen and and then a judge willing to hear your case. It can happen, but the elected all know it’s not feasible and they’re prepared for a long, long, long litigation process.
Who care afford this…for the sake of a couple less cartridges in a pistol magazine?
It’s too bad for the rest of IL to have to pay for the malpractice and bastardization of criminal law, bond and sentencing that goes on in the City of Chicago Cook County.