
RealID… info on the card?

That's probsbly on the database not the card, it's whatever they have collected. Perhaps you could get access thru freedom of information, not sure what all that accesses.

To fit actual information in a barcode the code would be huge.

Now the electronic chips in cards that is a different ballgame... those things are why you keep those cards in a rfid sleeve
Yes, i know the bar code simply identifies the card as belonging to me and is used to access the “borg’s” database.
Those chips can be in the realid and we may not know.
The other thread on the ammo vending machine derailed into “information” available to the overlords watching us.
It got me thinking about the RealID that we’re being prodded (forced) in to. More specifically, what type of information is held on the additional barcodes on the new form of identification? It seems ripe for implementation of a “social credit score” system, much like the one in China, linking all purchases to the RealID card, which must be scanned whenever you buy something.
Am I in “tinfoil hat” territory or does anyone else see us going in this direction?
I would argue that you're a little late to the party, but welcome.
I think its a bunch of BS. If the bad guys can fake a driver's license, they can fake a star on it.
But the powers that be have declared them mandatory, so no choice. :rolleyes:
I was dreading it as a trip to the Driver's License Center is usually a half day or more. 🤬 Plus my license didn't need renewing until two years after the deadline.
But, I got lucky. My city worked out a deal with the state to get the Real ID for all city employees. The state came in and set up three stations in one of the community centers and did city employees by appointment only for three days. Since I'm a retired city employee, I got to go. ;)
The place was less than a mile from my house, walked in at my appointed time and walked out about 20 minutes later. New license with the little star showed up in the mail about a week later. (y)
But I still feel sorry for all the poor folks who are going to have to go through all the crap just to get a little star. :poop:
You mean like every time I buy pipe tobacco they scan my driver's license? But, I understand. Even though I'm a senior citizen, I'm oh so buff and young looking I'm contently mistaken for someone under 21. :rolleyes: :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: @$$hats
yeah that annoys me too, (the scanning to buy beer, or cigars), but the sale has to match the buyer, and since of drivers license has the bar code, the state knows we are of legal age. not only that, but the cash register will reject the sale to minors as well.
Yup. And an extra nap!
What is in the bar code. Well unless they changed things drastically in barcodes since I retired, surprisingly little.

Generally there is a start character that starts the read, a single line of information generally an ID number, and a stop read character, that's it. If either end character is trashed it's unreadable. Which Is why you get thicker bar code, they repeat the line multiple times to get a read. So the barcode can be read slanted as long as the start is first then end last.

The ID number links to a database which is where all your private info is stored for them to see. The reader they use is opened to a program that reads the ID barcode and goes into the database and grabs you.
yeah that annoys me too, (the scanning to buy beer, or cigars), but the sale has to match the buyer, and since of drivers license has the bar code, the state knows we are of legal age. not only that, but the cash register will reject the sale to minors as well.
It is a blasted invasion of privacy and Gov. overreach is what it is. They passed their law now let the casher do their part. If anyone thinks they are not keeping track so they can screw you later on, then someone needs to quit smoking the Hippie Lettuce. Same goes for gun and ammo purchases, and a lot else.
It is a blasted invasion of privacy and Gov. overreach is what it is. They passed their law now let the casher do their part. If anyone thinks they are not keeping track so they can screw you later on, then someone needs to quit smoking the Hippie Lettuce. Same goes for gun and ammo purchases, and a lot else.
the cashiers were doing their jobs by asking to see an ID, years ago.

but fake ID were easy to get...police here had undercover people using fake ID to buy alcohol and gigs, to catch the cashiers from selling to minors.

it can't be that easy to fake a bar code, at least up till now, i never heard of it being done.

let's face it, gov't over reach has happened, and it ain't gonna stop
but fake ID were easy to get...police here had undercover people using fake ID to buy alcohol and gigs, to catch the cashiers from selling to minors.
Maybe they should have spent their effort cracking down on the makers & users of fake IDs, in case anyone forgets those are the people breaking the law, and not some poor SOB trying to make a living. The low hanging fruit was the cashier, and the police could point and say they were doing something without doing anything.
Maybe they should have spent their effort cracking down on the makers & users of fake IDs, in case anyone forgets those are the people breaking the law, and not some poor SOB trying to make a living. The low hanging fruit was the cashier, and the police could point and say they were doing something without doing anything.
well here's the thing about "cracking down" on some people..

as in obeying the laws,........ law abiding people do so....where the criminals do not, so who is easier to control and "crack down on"..??

it's way easier to go after those you can find easily enough, than to spend time searching for those you cannot find as easy.

thus, the cashier not paying attention to details, was an easy "crack down on", than brow beating or Spanish Inquisitioning the user of the fake ID.

"I got it from some guy on the internet officer"......

then what..?? a dead end to waste time on.
Why would you need a state ID if you have a drivers license?
some people are either old, or not allowed a drivers license.....this may be true of all US states.

in that event, one needs a state ID card to, cash checks, and for general ID purposes.

when i was a trucker, i had an photo ID (TWIC card) to enter the oil/storage/shipyards and other secured facilities to load up the fuels.

when i had hauled for an electrical supply house, i had to have thier photo ID card.

many ID cards from various sources, to what the job/employer/gov'ment contractor might demand.
Okay ya still got the user. Fines, probation, whatever the law allows. Punishment!
Don't punish the everyday citizen in an effort to control.
but that's the thing, it is easier to "control" the smaller majority, than to pursue the masses.

same with trucking...

much easier for the states/fed's to "control" the lower number of CDL holders (commercial drivers license), then to go after the millions more of "ordinary" drivers.

fine the truckers, cuz they are supposed to be professionals and should know better, yet let the dumbass 4 wheelers get away with running red lights, hit & runs, etc,etc.....

"go after the smaller more controllable population"