
Red or Green?

I run a green Viridian Reactor5 ECR on my XDs and I love it.

"the laser gives away my position" - in my experience with my XDs, it doesn't have to be on target that long, or even out in the open that long. I can douse the light with my fingertip just by covering it (granted, I have big paws). But I can also get it on-target quickly, and pull the trigger quickly. If you're worried about your position, simply point it at your toes till you get a visual on your target, raise it quickly from muscle memory, fine-focus with the dot...place dot...pull trigger...make hole.

NO sight picture is required here, either. You can simply stick your arm around an obstacle, use your wrist to place the dot, and pull the trigger all while your body remains behind cover. If needed. I keep mine zeroed around 7 yards. I practice with the irons most of the time for the "what if it doesn't light" scenario (it has a power LED when it first turns on - green=good, red=low), but I always run a mag or two using the laser just to make sure it stays zeroed with daily carry.

The Reactor5 ECR ignites itself when you draw - magnet in the holster, magnet switch on the laser. Magnet goes away, laser turns on automatically. Re-holster, and it turns back off. There's also an override button if you want, but in normal use there's nothing to do but draw, point, and fire. I leave my button "on" and keep it in the holster. Had the laser on it for 2 years, still get the green LED when I draw. I keep spare batteries in my range bag; one of these days I'll put my multimeter on the battery to see if it's lost any voltage over the years.

My eyes aren't what they used to be...and I can see my green dot at over 100 yards in broad daylight.
If I were to buy a laser, it would probably be green, since you are supposed to see it better in daylight, but, not really a laser type person, just give me a good set of sights.
I’ve got both.

Of them, I prefer green (a lot more visible in bright/daylight conditions...but, one thing to consider (at least where I live) is that green lasers can have issues at low temperatures—below about 30°F.

And since I live someplace where that’s pretty common for 6 months of the year...it’s something to consider.
I find green much more visible than red - probably why they are more expensive than red, haha. Even on my fiber optic sights I have to change the orange fiber for green. Maybe it’s just my 54 year old eyes though....
I have 3 handguns that I carry in rotation and they all have red lasers. Agreed, I can see a green laser for a greater distance, but I just liked red. I also have a V210 Illuminator with Manual Zoom in green led on my m&p 15-22 and man can I see with that. I’ve spotted things at over 100 yards at night clear as a bell. Someday I may switch out to green, but I figure if I have to do any shooting with my handguns, the red laser shows up plenty good.
Hans - curious, how often do you have to shoot outside in cold weather? And, if you're CCW...your gun will be warm.

When I change out of my day clothes at home in the evening, I can put my XDs and holster down on a table, or countertop. Change into jeans or shorts. And when I pick up the gun, it's still warm to the touch - even when ambient temps outdoors are in the 20s or less.

I'm not concerned about environmentals, at least not on my EDC. If my body temp gets that cold...it's already too late.