
Remembering Classic Movies, TV Shows Before the PC Police Arrived

There were so many that were acceptable at the time they were produced. The movie MASH and the early episodes of the series. Irony was the show was to some extent a political statement on the topics of the time but wouldn't be acceptable now due to the current politics of the time.
Blazing Saddles of course.
Animal House and Stripes wouldn't pass muster.
While they were funny as hell at the time the fact that they are now archaic due to their views of others is a step forward.

Last year I think there was a remake of the Jefferson's and Archie Bunker. Still funny but definitely pointed out how we have progressed as a society.

My 17 year old son was beside me as I was looking at t-shirts a while back and I asked him about one that said "Your political correctness offends me". He wasn't a fan. Found some pictures from Basic and showed him a picture of our Sr. Drill Sergeant. Explained that on the first day of Basic he had us stand up and repeat after him which we did without hesitation. We proceeded to repeat 20-30 racial slurs as I wondered what the hell I got into (didn't share them with my son), and when we were done Sr. Drill said "Now, I don't want to ever hear that ---- out of your mouth again!" Asked my son if it was politically correct and he said it wasn't. Asked if there was any question about what was not acceptable and he agreed it was very clear that racism would not be tolerated. One of the things I like about the military, there is little question about what is acceptable and what's not.
“All In The Family”
What a classic, The sad part is many of the actors in those shows get stereotyped and are never seen again or taken seriously. Point is what happened to “MeatHead”?
Meathead (Rob Reiner) continued his career as a successful writer, director, and producer following in the footsteps of his father, Carl.
Johnny Carson with Arnold Palmer and his wife on the Tonight Show. I won't post the dialogue here but those of us older folks who saw it will never forget it! All hell would break loose if a talk show host said it today, even though the context was golf.
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